Re: More on Speed of Light

Slavek Krepelka ( )
Thu, 14 Oct 1999 23:33:26 -0400

Hello Russ.

Indeed, the ZPE is the way to understanding aether. It is mostly Hall Puthoff, who
is smacking at it. At least as far as I know.
But a long way to go.

Regards Slavek.

Russell Garber wrote:

> Hi Ed et al!
> After doing a little more research on the topic of the ether, I have to change
> a couple of things I had previously stated. First off, it appears that the
> "ether" of the old Michelson-Morely experiments may in fact be one and the same
> as the "ZPE/Aether" often discussed here (although slightly modified), and
> secondly, it appears that the ether may be the unknown phenomena that I was
> previously looking for.


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