Re: Klingon Disruptor !

Joseph Hiddink ( )
Thu, 14 Oct 1999 20:50:38 -0700 (PDT)

So some Navy Engineer built a device that can zap
electronics. Hamel did that already a few years ago,
and I did it many years ago with my OT Capacitor.
Since I realized the danger in the wrong hands I never
wanted everybody to know what it could do. On the
other hand, everybody can wear a gun and do more harm
than just shooting a TV set. Yes, a police car can use
a OT capacitor device mounted on his hood and zap
a fleeing car's computer. And at a greater distance.
Safer than high speed chases, but our Canadian media
people went all ape over this "American" invention.
Something that is invented in Canada is just ignored
or ridiculed. So our Police Chiefs in our big cities
did not deem it worth to reply.
When I invented the OT capacitor I was told that I
could never invent anything like that, because I did
not have any degrees! When I countered, that neither
Bell or Edison had any degrees, I was told, that I
should not compare myself with these people! They
were REAL Inventors.
I invented the Halo Light TV, when I worked my third
day at Philips, Holland. Stupid idea, stupid, cannot
be done. Later used by American Manufacturer.
In 1947, while finishing High School I discovered that
a diode could amplify. Later at Philips I was told
that every idiot knew that a diode could noty amplify.
An idea of a push-pulll circuit using a single tube or
transistor gotr the same treatment (later used in the
US under the name Circlotron). I decided to emigrate.
Then the Philips Engineers started looking at my
stupid suggestions.
Joe Hiddink

--- Marcelo Puhl <mark@plug-in> wrote:
> Posted 10/09/99 12:12pm by Lucy Sherriff
> Build your own Klingon disruptor
> Fancy building your own Klingon Disruptor? An ex-US
> Navy engineer has
> done just that for the bargain price of $500. The
> gadget fiend has built a 'gun',
> using readily available hardware, that can disable
> almost any piece of
> electronic equipment from 20 feet away.
> It consists of a parabolic reflector, a horn antenna
> and two ignition coils and
> is powered by a car battery. When the inventor,
> David Schriner demonstrated
> his new toy at the Infowar 99 conference in
> Washington DC, it disrupted the
> PA system and two nearby PCs, which needed to be
> reset even after the
> 'gun' was switched off.
> The principle it exploits dates back to Tesla. In
> essence, the gun shoves a
> 20 megawatt burst of radio noise through the
> antenna, which then interferes
> with nearby electrical equipment, according to US
> newswire reports.
> Schriner said that the demonstrated was intended as
> a wake up call to the
> electronics industry. He said he wanted to show that
> even low budget
> saboteurs could inflict serious damage. He claims to
> have built another
> machine capable of crashing computers, and cars from
> a distance of 100
> feet. That one cost him less than $300.
> Permanent damage is rare, Schriner says, but that is
> not the point. The
> computers at the conference worked after re-booting.
> "But if that happens to
> be a computer in a tank, or in a piece of medical
> equipment, how long does
> it take to reboot?" he asks.
> "By that time you could be dead." ®
> Marcelo Puhl
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