Re: Michelson-Moreley

Slavek Krepelka ( )
Thu, 14 Oct 1999 22:04:31 -0400

It would screw up much more than that. It would take down relativity as we know
Not many things would please me better.

Regards Slavek.

Russell Garber wrote:

> Hi Slavek,
> Could you elaborate a little more on the statements that you made. I
> understand what you are saying but do not understand the reasoning for the
> red shift and blue shift as it is the medium that would be moving and not
> the source or recipient of the light. I am not saying that you are wrong,
> just that I do not understand. If you are correct in what you are saying,
> not only is the reference you made screwed (as you put it), but that
> would also put a damper on the theory of the expanding universe, as it
> might explain the red shift in the light from all known distant galaxies in
> a way other than the theory that they are moving away from Earth.
> -Russ
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