Re: Michelson-Moreley

Slavek Krepelka ( )
Thu, 14 Oct 1999 22:02:09 -0400

Hello Russel at all.

I'll try it this way. A star is moving through lets say water. An observer is
towed on a rope behind. The light from the star redshifts as it receides, but
is blueshifted back by the observer. The frequency is unchanged, therefore the
wavelength is necessarily stretched between the radiation and the observation.
The observer has no way of finding out that the light was redshifted before his
observation, but that is besides the point. When the observer starts pulling
the star and reflect the star light back, another observer on the star is in
the same predicament. He cannot tell any better. This should mean that the
number of light hills and valeys between the observer and the star is
independent of their speed through the water, therefore that there should be
same interference patern of the light going from the star and back, no matter
what is the speed at which they are moving through the water.

I do not know if you are familiar with Sagnac experiment. It is simmilar
experiment, but the light is run between mirrors in a square before the
interference is tested. Interference in this one gives accurate rate of earth
spin. Unfortunately, I do not know the exact set up of Sagnac. It might tell me

Regards Slavek.

Russell Garber wrote:

> Hi Slavek,
> Could you elaborate a little more on the statements that you made. I
> understand what you are saying but do not understand the reasoning for the
> red shift and blue shift as it is the medium that would be moving and not
> the source or recipient of the light. I am not saying that you are wrong,
> just that I do not understand. If you are correct in what you are saying,
> not only is the reference you made screwed (as you put it), but that
> would also put a damper on the theory of the expanding universe, as it
> might explain the red shift in the light from all known distant galaxies in
> a way other than the theory that they are moving away from Earth.
> -Russ
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