Re: Aether as pure Electric Field

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Wed, 13 Oct 1999 10:54:22 -0500

Hi Folks!

Webb, the author of the book on light and magnetism says an awful lot in
a very few words. I thought even though the book was only 108 pages it
would be an easy read, but geez, I'm hung up on two chapters, the most
difficult being the one with his description of light, but overall, his
conception of a pure electric field of extremely high density is
analogous to aether.

That includes precipitation into matter and dissolution back to the
primordial field (aether/zpe/electric).

He refers to Millikans oil drop experiment where a 10,000 volt charge
was used to counteract gravity, he also says it would take vastly more
electrical power to move larger masses.

Now, when we drag in Searl and Hamel, both of which report the
production of a spinning plasma around their models once they have been
in operation for a few minutes, only then do they take off according to
the reports.

Hamel says spinning magnets in a confined environment produces a
tremendous amount of power as reported in his 45 gallon drum
experiment. The next step for Hamel was to harness this energy by
weighing down the arrangement in a heavy concrete bunker...whereas
Searls version called the SEG was to use a governor to prevent it
achieving a speed that would cause it to takeoff.

If such reports are true, then there is something about spinning magnets
which we have missed, the connection here is the formation of this high
voltage plasma which generates enough electrical power to cause the
thing to fly away.

Whether that is due to the repelling effect of the earth ground to a
high negative charge or simply a matter of achieving electrical
buoyancy, we won't know until it is duplicated.

What puzzles me is we have reports, none verified or duplicated
unfortunately, of levitation using sound, high voltage and magnetism.

If the universal primordial medium known as aether/zpe is truly a pure
electric field of exceedingly high potential, then how does levitation
using sound or magnetism come into it?

I keep going back to Ivanovs Rhythmodynamics where he says it is a
matter of interference patterns generated by phase conjugation to
produce various effects, from lift to propulsion to rotation to
accretion to dissolution...check out;

As an aside, I have come to the conclusion that the Dendera tubes were
in fact collimators and projectors of aether/zpe, beaming energy into
mass (the large stones such as at Baalbek and Sneferu/Saquaara).

The high voltage short discharges in the tubes would entrain ambient
aether/zpe and project that energy into the mass to be moved. Since the
mass can only absorb aether/zpe at a fixed rate, then if it is
overcharged from an outside source, it will slow down the flows which
hold it to the planet. With sufficient excitation, IMO, the mass will
lose weight and eventually levitate.

....From the way the tubes are being held and from their massive size, it
appears they must pivot so that the beam can be directed, like a
levitation beam. It could also be a weapon but there isn't any evidence
as to its true nature.

If I understand him correctly, Webb says that the electric field will
tend to transfer and dissipate any accumulations of energy in a given
area outward throughout the field until it reachieves equilibrium.

I can't see everything being dependent on high voltage but that is Webbs
idea and I have a lot more studying to do to get a handle on how he
explains it all.

Leedskalnin used batteries which could have been used to produce high
current if that was necessary to move his stones at Coral Castle. He
says it is making the tiny magnets of one polarity move in a specified
direction to produce lift.

It doesn't make sense that the ONLY way to achieve levitation by pure
energy is through high voltage or high current. To my view, both are
crude and unnecessarily power hungry.

....Frequency and phase conjugation might be able to achieve the same
effect with much less power, at least that is the path I am taking.

--      Jerry Wayne Decker  -                from an Art to a Science   Voice : (214)324-8741 -  FAX : (214)324-3501             KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716        Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187

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