Aether as pure Electric Field

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Tue, 12 Oct 1999 13:50:44 -0500

Hi Folks!

I recently received a phone call from a most interesting chap named Mark
Foster who has been studying Keely for many years. We had a great
discussion and he told me about a fellow named Edwin Yates Webb, Jr. who
had written a book called 'Origin of the Universe of Light and
Magnetism'. This book was privately published and Mr. Foster bought the
rights from Webb's widow so he is selling the book to keep Webbs work

Mark was wanting to know if I had a photocopy of the missing chapter
from the Bloomfield Moore book. He sent me a copy of Webbs book and
described how Webb had disproved the Michelson Morley experiment and
come up with a unique theory stating that the universal aether was in
reality a pure electric field. The book is about 108 pages but explains
the theory and its permutations very well.

I am intrigued by the idea since aether is such a nebulous form of
energy that I have long wrestled with. There have been posts here
indicating a dense magnetic flux could be a major component of the
aether, but none that I've ever seen that referred to a pure electric

The author refers to it as a 'pushing' effect since electrons repel and
so with such a dense field, it all pushes. I'm still checking the book
out and will probably do a stripped down page of it with contact info
for those who want to buy the book. He didn't state a price but his
phone number is: 801-295-6794 if you might like to get a copy.

One of the blurbs for the book says;

'Webbs ideas are not so simple as original and arcane. Chief of
Research and Development for the Signal Corps Intelligence Agency during
World War II, he postulates that attraction between heavenly bodies is
more likely a push than a pull and that the known laws of electrical
circuits have nothing to do with electrons. His theory of light is
fascinating but does not make for light reading.'

He goes into lightning and how only mass has friction. I'm certainly not
doing it justice here and will do a better job of it on the page when I
get a chance to extract the information and build a webpage for it. I
think it will open up entirely new avenues of discussion here regarding
the aether field which he calls the 'Arcandeum'.

It is very synchronous because of the recent posts about using high
voltage DC to repel or push matter (Hiddink) yet conflicts with reports
of using high current DC in a magnetic monopolar sphere to lift and
propel (Wachspress).

With the electric version, we are either repelling from the like charge
negativity of the earth or using some kind of electric buoyancy where
there is an electrical gradient in the atmosphere causing the mass to
seek its own level.

With the magnetic version, it would be repelling from the earths
magnetic flux lines, though those lines aren't supposed to have enough
energy to be useful. It does take a lot of amperage to get a field
strong enough to do it.

Now there was a UFO book years about by Frank Scully which said we had
to learn to cross magnetic field lines, that there were magnetic
currents flowing all through space in the form of these flux lines.

Since these currents were always flowing, it would be a matter of
intersecting one of these currents at various angles to get 'caught' in
the flow of the current to provide thrust. Much like a sail in the
wind. He also indicated that if you COULD apply magnetic flux lines
perpendicular to each other (90 degree angle) so that the current was
stopped, it would instantly destroy the mass.

Sorry, I am digressing, the thread is about a pure electric field as the
background fabric of space. I'll work up a page on the Webb book with
more details and post the URL when it is the meantime, if
you might want to get your own copy of the book, give Mark a call....

--      Jerry Wayne Decker  -                from an Art to a Science   Voice : (214)324-8741 -  FAX : (214)324-3501             KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716        Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187

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