FW: Moray device

Euejin Jeong ( ejeong@bga.com )
Sat, 18 Sep 1999 12:04:35 -0500

-----Original Message-----
From: Euejin Jeong [SMTP:ejeong@bga.com]
Sent: Saturday, September 18, 1999 12:03 PM
To: 'Gonsalves, Sunil'
Subject: RE: Moray device

Hello Everybody and Sunil,

Concerning the Moray device, I think there was no frequency converter of 50
kW power scale at the time of Moray nor was it possible for Moray to find a
motor that will run by his high frequency AC current. It was the time the
vacuum tube was invented and was in the process of commercialization. There
may be simple super heterodyne receivers being built for the radio
reception. Extracting energy from etheric space sounds like pretty much
mysterious but basically Moray's device is an electronic gadget, the
components of which you and I will be able to find in the common electronic
parts stores.

Evidently his device needed this so called Swedish stone somehow. There
could be several reasons for this. One is the transportability of his
electricity and another is to run a motor that already existed. It's
difficult to transport high frequency power for a long distance due to the
increasing inductance by the curved electrical wires and the leakage caused
also by the increasing capacitive loss due to the increasing proximity
between the two wires as the distance increases. It is the conclusion by
these factors that he must have used his Semiconductor device for
rectification. It's easier to use Dc for running a motor and send the power
to a reasonable distance.

The Canadian inventor and a Ph. D. physicist Coreas have developed and
theorized a discharge tube that amplifies the power in the process of
discharging within a circuit, which has been endorsed by Aspden a famous
British inventor. There is no mention of a valve used by Coreas made of an
exotic strange stone in his invention. So the valve was not the essential
component for the energy extraction in Moray's device. It was what has been
perceived by the observers and also a common tactic by inventors to divert
attention from the essentials.

It is also noted that Sweet's device generated 60 Hertz yet could not run a
usual AC motor. The inductive components of the circuit interfered with the
inductive load and failed to produce the excess energy. This is
understandable since the output circuit is directly connected to the device
and it changed the total inductance of the circuit the accuracy and the
stability of whose value are of crucial importance for the performance of
the circuit. The time variation of the power in Sweet's device is nothing
more than the temperature effect of the component's resonance frequency
contrary to the common belief of the variation in the etheric current flow.
The etheric space is pretty uniform which stabilizes itself rather fast,
faster than the speed of light even after it is disturbed by cosmic
upheaval. Its like when a vacuum is filled by air once the seal is broken.

I would like to note that there are several common features in the energy
extraction devices after much study in this subject.
First, except the case of Sweet's device, the devices generated high
frequency AC current (Swiss device must have a rectifier somewhere before
the output). Second, they all have resonance circuits built into it. In
several cases, when specifically noted, the devices had unusual coil
windings, which is commonly called, bifilar.
This was not mentioned in the Moray and Hendershot devices but implications
are there if you examine the circuit carefully that they may have used the
same scheme.
Third, you have to start it by some exotic means. But it normally doesn't
take more than some electrostatic charge of unimportant power capacity. The
atmospheric charge accumulation was used in Moray device yet in other cases
some small battery or shorting activity of the circuit was used.

Use of the radio active material in the device may have happened but it was
not the essential part of the energy extraction scheme. This is obvious by
observing Hans Coler's device. They could not all have used the radio
active material in their circuit and its pretty dangerous for health and
negates the beauty of the technology. So beware of some disinformation web
site that claims this. The most common mistake in the duplication of the
device seems in the misunderstanding of where the load should be located
and what is the key point of it all.

Tom Bearden's theory is pretty interesting and may be targeting the point
in the right direction but as a physicist I would like to see some more
quantitative analysis of the problem than the hand waving style of his


-----Original Message-----
From: Gonsalves, Sunil [SMTP:sgonsa@gmti.gannett.com]
Sent: Tuesday, September 14, 1999 3:39 PM
To: ejeong@bga.com
Subject: RE: Moray device

Hi All,

>>> Come on, stretch your imagination. Very little use for hi freq.
AC ????
He could drive generators to provide 60 / 50 Hz or use a freq.
convertor to downsize, and think of a electric car,
no battery, electric planes no battery, ships no diesel, no oil, no
gasoline ?
What's going on Euejin - Thinking between two lines or are you a True
Academic ?
