Research Center Funding Offer

Slavek Krepelka ( )
Fri, 03 Sep 1999 23:01:06 -0400

Hello Jerry and all,

Let's say, quite hypothetically, that a regular guy makes guite simple
and completely repeatable gravity sink. What does he do with it?

The potential problems I can see are:

If he keeps it secret and tries to make a deal with a single party, as
soon as a strong rumor comes around, he is a subject to special
interests and he can get hurt in the strugle.

If he tries to patent it, what happens? Is his country department of
defense going to jump on him? Probably yes.

If he goes as public as he possibly can, he most likely gets nothing out
of it. From the above letters, not even the credit.

What else is left?

Regards Slavek.