If you want the credit and as well want to retain control (financial
rewards) of the technology, you are going to have to apply for a patent in
every country, no way around it.
Make Patent applications and start doing deals with companies. Your risk is
you are not protected until the patents are issued, but at least the info is
out in the public domain. To late for the gov. to step in, even if they
scoop your patents.
If its a realatively simple technology, chances are people will by do
ityourself kits. There not violating your patent if they don't sell it.
The bottom line is this type of breakthrough will result in the biggest
paradigm shift since the chixalube (wrong spelling) killer asteroid. The
people in general let alone governments will not let something so important
remain in the hands of one or a few.
You could probably get the 80 or so largest countries to chip in
collectively several billion dollars for you to wave the patent time frame.
Now you can go buy a small country and write a book.