Research Center Funding Offer

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Thu, 02 Sep 1999 22:31:32 -0500

Hi Folks!

I want to bring to your attention a proposal which was made recently to
fund a KeelyNet research center. I'm posting it as the most current
sample of what has been offered numerous times before, though never
before under the 'apparent' auspices of a large foundation, which wasn't
'exactly true'.

The main problem with such schemes is the idea that the investor(s) OWN
EVERYTHING and decide how it is to be handled or SOLD.

Geez, that 'offer' has been turned down many times since they always
want 90% and full control of EVERYTHING.

The thinking seems to be that IF we can achieve free energy AND/OR gravity
control, the idea of giving out the discoveries for FREE, well, thats just

I can see marketing other research which might have commercial applications
as a payback, but free energy and gravity control MUST BE GIVEN FREELY.

That's part of the thinking which has prevented it from coming to
fruition commercially, hide it, sell out, keep quiet.

The names have been masked in the emails, but here are the two 'offers'
made to KeelyNet based on the funding page at;

The first email;

What you are after is a grant for a $3,000,000 placement. I may be able
to help you in your endeavor however I would need to have more

Your plan sounds good but before you can receive any money for your
project you'll need to have a more definite description of use of funds
and individuals involved with you.

It may be possible for us to assist you in this, and in making an
acceptable proposal for your project.

Note: In order to qualify for your technical research financial support
you must be prepared to translate all mathematical formulas as
derivatives of 'Maxwells Equations' in either functions. If this is
not practical for you we can assist you with a qualified Maxwellian
Mathematician in applied and pure math.

******* ********
Funding Commitee,
Chairman Grant proposal Reveiw Staff

***** ****** ******** Foundation
Center for Science and Technology

Here is the 2nd email when I asked for details of what they needed;

Thank you for your response - the reference that you made to The James
Clerk Maxwell Society was a Scottish organization and not a recognized
foundation in the United States.

Reference however is made to grant funding for fringescience research by it.

Never the less there is a special format and protocol for the submission for
a grant to university and private foundations.

And more importantly a grant cannot be funded without penalty of loss of
recognizable status for any research that is connected with a profit or self
serving interest.

Unless you have need of less money for your research or a ready source for
three million there is a very difficult situation that you would have to consider.

All of the theories, discoveries, patented ideas that you and your coworkers
come up with the funding are intellectual property of the funding source.
In short your thoughts and identity with the subject are sold.

That is probably the condition that has plagued successful research
years ago in your field.

Most people are unable to actually work under these conditions.

Additionally there can be no connection with any type of trust, statutory or
otherwise, either in a business or pure research project.

Although your suggestion is well taken it is actually illegal. Most
people fail to understand this and securities laws that constitute 'offer'.

My job is to review proposals normally prepared by professional proposal
writers and firms at approximately $6,000 per grant, and then decide if
I can locate funds from professional membership connections that would
be interested in your research.

So there are two things you probably need to overcome:

1) Will you sacrifice your ownership to research without reservation to the

2) Can you make a diligent effort and commitment to immediately go out
and raise $6,000 for seed capital to bring together proposal in
conventional style and include all those things you say would not be
prudent to relate at this time.

I have connections to very wealthy people if you and your friends can
sit down and put together some clever ideas that indicate that you would
actually be doing research instead of guess work then some one might
consider tying up $3,000,000 that generally earns a safer and more
substantial return elsewhere.

A word of advice that will help you at this point, remove the word Trust
from your dialogue in negotiating anything that has to do with
research. There are things about trust that most people do not realize
and your use of the term in connection with research tells everyone in
contributionship that you don't know what your talking about.

This is only grant community advice and I refer to the fact most people, so
don't take offense at this.

If this is your dream, what you want to pursue I will help you to
achieve it any way that I can through my connections. If you haven't
produced any kind of written plan yet and have not considered the amount
that it would cost, I may be able to steer you to qualified proposal firms.

That being successful and written to convention either as a business
investment or pure research grant with salaries and facility may be
provided to you.

Although your website describes fundamentally a summary of what you
would like to see happen your sponsor expectation: Trust is a little
forward. Let the sponsor decide how to fund the project that is usually
there business. Most already have offshore entities but don't relate that to you.

Your Budget request does not show how the money is to be spent
specifically other then your salary. What equipment will you need? What
facility will you require and what is the estimated cost? Will you
require all of your budget at one time or spread over an extended
period? How much salary are you talking here?

Corporate philanthropy is different then educational grants in that the
corporation awards shareholder profits when they make grants, and so are
particularly selective in identifying their recipients.

Credentials are important. If your people aren't qualified with a
degree in the related fields of your research. Then they cannot be
accepted for publications that will be required to be written, and no
matter what the demonstrate or find it cannot be funded.

Gate keepers of wealthy codgers that you may hope will read about you on
the net and send you their money know exactly the same things that I
do. That more then likely is why you haven't received any real offers.

Your challenge is to describe your project in terms that will benefit
the sponsor in some particular fashion. Perhaps you would want to
request a non-monetary support as a first grant. Corporations are very
cost conscious start small and request larger grants as you gain credibility.

My activities particularly are to analyze potential sponsors that might be
interested in supporting science and technology, both corporate and
individuals. My Palm Springs, California sponsorships alone, are a network of
over 120 millionaires that invest in startups.

On the average they invest in a new project every eighteen months and have
five to ten projects going at one time.

If you would like to go there and meet them along with a group of other
inventors then you should provide for a placement of twenty thousand
dollars and bring one of your coplanners with you. ( the most positive
personality of the bunch, investors like optimism)

You'll need a few extra thousand to travel and visit with investors in the
United State the week after the meeting which is usually a week long.

You'll be given an opportunity to have a salaried job there in order to
pay back the twenty thousand you have borrowed to attend the meeting, while
they initiate legal and accounting and marketing feasibility applications for
immediate research that they can produce to provide support for your
research endeavor.

I have another financial coordinator that will be attending the next
meeting with me also from Texas that represents a chemical scrubbing
invention. If you are near Dallas we can all meet at the airport there
and fly to California. My fee for this is $7,000 in advance.

You and your partner can discuss meeting plans on a conference call a
week in advance to arriving with the coordinator of the meeting. It is
run by a man and his wife both billionaires whom I have known for many years.

Don't worry about the money you want for your plans there will be many
wall street experts there and they will show how to produce a proposal
and apply for the venture capital you need during the first week. Be
prepared to meet some of the most powerful people in the world in
commerce and industry and celebrities you'll recognize and have lunch with.
It is a casual setting for one week and everyone has fun.

Want to learn more and attend the next get together, contact me.


--            Jerry Wayne Decker  /   /  "From an Art to a Science"      Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187