Re: Gravitys Equal Pull

Warren York ( )
Wed, 01 Sep 1999 19:24:31 -0500

Brian Feeney wrote:
> Warren wrote:
> >The Pull: The Pull force is the two parallel TIME Flow (Lines or center
> >of the tunnels) trying to return to one line or ZPEL. It is the Weak
> >force or what we know as Gravity.
> Hello Warren,
> In light of the above description of gravity, how do two bodies or electrons
> attract toward one another. The pull gravity you are describing seems to be
> a closed loop inside or coinsident with the electron. If two electrons are
> in some proximaty to one another (I don't beleive distance is a governing
> factor) and the gravity mechanism is the two parallel TIME Flow lines as
> descibed above seeking to close the gap inside the electron, hense gravity,
> what is the interaction mechanism that causes the second electron (or body
> mass) to move toward the first electron.
Warren writes:
Hello Mr. Feeney, Thank you for your reply and question. A very good
question by the way and one that should of raised some others thoughts
also. Since you are the first to point something out without saying it
out load I shall try and address it now. I hope I can answer your
in the process.

I am using the Electron as my example of Matter for that is what it is
as a single lower unit. The electron is the first particle that is a
transition from energy into matter. Now we all know the electron also
has an electrical factor (the dipole pattern). We also know that
electromagnetics is not gravitation. In fact they are 90 degree
of each other. The Maxwell equations work fine to explain what a
field is at this point so I will focus back on your question of the
force. Now we also know since electrons are like charges they will repel
each other. So the gravity force (the weak force) will have little
between two electrons in motion.

Now I used the electron to represent matter as we would look at the
or a planet. The difference between the two are that the electron level
is the primal level of matter where the larger scale version consist of
the electrons in combination with higher forms of matter as the protons
and neutrons in the nucleus of atoms. Infact you will find the electrons
are in orbit around the nucleus be it a Bohr or cloud atom you wish to
consider. The key to gravity is the nucleus of the atoms. The Strong
which is also a part of gravity. (The Pull) The protons I feel are what
are locked into the TIME Force. When another electron is added to the
proton a third level particle the neutron is formed. Also an x-ray
or Auger electron is given off in the process to balance out the
So yes, electrons in motion will have little effect between each other
the force of gravity (the TIME force) keeps them locked in orbit much
paired photons become captured. Remember I stated at one point that the
pairing of photons was the first stages of gravity? I wanted the concept
to get across before I through in the Maxwell equations. I am trying to
paint a clear picture of the actual dynamics of the process building up
to the different stages. Now stop me if I have made an error or
is still not clear.
Brian Feeney wrote:
> I'm trying to separate in this question the electrons coalessing to form an
> atom vs the fundamental and "universal" gravitational attaction that is
> apparant in all things material.
Warren writes:
Again let me point out that the electrons are captured in orbit due to
gravitational force as a satellite is in orbit around the earth. It is
nucleus of the atom that has the strong force of gravity and that force
is felt by all other nucleuses of atoms. Composite matter if you will.
more mass the bigger the TIME Line Force. Just as a magnetic field
when more and more electrons are aligned so does the gravitational force
when more and more mass is gathered together. At a later time I will
you a secret about the pyramids dealing with this knowledge. Remember
you mess with gravity you are also playing with time. For now lets just
stay to the theory so the concept can be understood.
Brian Feeney wrote:
> I should say that I do find your theory of the photon / electron etc. quite
> interesting. I do appreciate it is a work in process and add my thanks for
> your continued postings. I enjoyed reading your 1994? paper. I'm wondering
> if ultimately what you are driving toward is is GUT description of A SINGLE
> PHOTON as being the sum of all that is. I've thought about this a great deal
> and a SINGLE PHOTON would explain a lot about how "forces" act over distance
> i.e. there is no real distance to your neighbour or the furthest galaxies.
> The SINGLE PHOTON continuously recreates itself in an eternal moment i.e. no
> real past or future. I'm probably sounding a little philosphical here and
> probably going beyond your work on the electron / photon relationship. I
> can't however seem to get this description of "all that is' out of my head.
> Maybe you could outline a brief description of some of your ideas on what
> the relationship between the photon and space time are. Any comments on the
> single photon idea and your ideas on 'all that is' much appreciated.
> Thank you for your remarks.
> Cheers
> Brian
Warren writes:
I appreciate your input and thoughts on the philosophical nature of
things. What you are actually driving at is JUST WHAT IS TIME? I shall
start addressing that soon but I want to make sure questions like yours
are answered first so others out there will not think our theory is a
half baked idea. I find no other GUT's as of yet that are engineerable
on all levels like this one. I have found pages of math after math that
end up only describing the matrix and not ALL the phenomena associated
with it as your question. There is an equation to go with ours but I
will have to get into my 4D math before you will see what I am driving
at in the equation. For those of you that wish to think on it now, here
is the Unification Equation if you have not already read it in my paper.
When you feel you want to try and tackle TIME let me know and I will
start in on it. I have not seen TIME addressed to the level I have
addressed it in other theories yet. By the way, the String theory is
seen in our GUT of Light also. It's the closest thing I've seen yet to
our theory. Now to answer your last question about the photon. What I am
stating is the Unified Field Theory is based on Light. The real final
of light if you want to use that term in existence is TIME. Without
there would be no TIME. I will stop here for now. Ask me directly again
on the photon and Space/TIME and I will answer it in a separate message.
I don't want to make this one a book in length. Most only have time to
read this on there coffee breaks. Warren