Re: Leedskalnin & Monopolar weight reduction in mass

Jerry Wayne Decker ( )
Wed, 1 Sep 1999 11:53:44 -0700 (PDT)

Hi Folks!

I have to expand on this idea of increasing the
magnetic field intensity using just one pole to
produce 'weight loss' or lift.

Not my preferred direction for gravity control but
wouldn't it be amazing if that was what caused gravity
after all and everything else was incorrect, zpe,
gravity, aether, etc..

Just as fish deep underwater cannot sense the pressure
of the surrounding water because they live in it, so
too can we not sense or indeed measure ambient forces
in which we 'live and move and have our being.'

When measuring energy or force, we must have a
constant, fixed reference which we can use to
determine deviations.

What if our world and solar system had a very DENSE
magnetic field that suffused and permeated everything?

I have read that the earth's magnetic field is on the
order of 0.6 gauss based on an ambient REFERENCE.
What if it was far more than that?

Our only reference would be the ambient levels, thus
our measurements would be deviations from that

If the overall magnetic flux level was very intense
AND our only reference was the ambient level, then all
we COULD see would be RIPPLES of these deviations from
the background level.

All measurement depends on this reference so if it
changes, so should our values. Like a 'floating

'What people usually mean by "potential" is the
voltage relative to ground. Ground usually really does
mean ground (or earth as they call it in Great

You can stick one probe of your two-probe voltmeter
into the mud of the actual planet, and the other you
can use to measure the "potential" or "voltage
relative to ground" of various points in your circuit.

I say usually because sometimes people use a so-called
"floating ground" as their common reference point for
all potential measurements, and this floating ground
may have a non-zero potential relative to the real
ground that you, unfortunately, are standing on.

The metal chassis inside a TV used to be a 120 volt
floating ground about half the time, depending on
which way you plugged the TV into the outlet. Ouch! (I
guess that's what they meant by "no user servicable
parts inside") Making sure that your system's ground
is not floating is called grounding it.)'
That being the case, we could be saturated by super
dense magnetic fields from all sides and not even know

Ok, bearing this high density, omnipresent magnetic
field in mind, not only from our sun, other planets
and the earth itself (which concerns us most), then if
we could make a test mass with MORE NORTH magnetic
poles while it was in the Northern hemisphere, since
like poles repel, then that mass would lose weight or
repel depending on its magnetic field density compared
to the earth.
Take the flying frogs, they are in a polarized DC
field of a high intensity electromagnet of 10-16
teslas magnetic field intensity. At that point they
diamagnetism and float above the magnet.

'Today's science knows only one way to achieve REAL
levitation, i.e. such that no energy input is required
and the levitation can last forever. The real
levitation makes use of diamagnetism , an intrinsic
property of many materials referring to their ability
to expel a portion, even if a minute one, of an
external magnetic field. Electrons in such materials
rearrange their orbits slightly so that they expel the
external field. As a result, diamagnetic materials
repel and are repelled by strong magnetic fields.'

tesla = kg/A*s^2 (magnetic flux density; derived unit)
tesla = 1,000,000,000 gamma = 10,000 gauss

'In fact, it is possible to levitate magnetically
every material and every living creature on the earth
due to the always present molecular magnetism. The
molecular magnetism is very weak (millions times
weaker than ferromagnetism) and usually remains
unnoticed in everyday life, thereby producing the
wrong impression that materials around us are mainly
nonmagnetic. But they are all magnetic.

It is just that magnetic fields required to levitate
all these “nonmagnetic” materials have to be
approximately 100 times larger than for the case of,
say, superconductors. we know, magnetic fields of less than 0.1T can
levitate a superconductor.

Importantly, the ability to levitate does not depend
on the amount of material involved, V, and high-field
magnets can be made to accommodate large objects,
animals or even man.

In the case of living organisms, no adverse effects of
strong static magnetic fields are known – after all,
our frog levitated in fields comparable to those used
in commercial in-vivo imaging systems (currently up to
10T). The small frog looked comfortable inside the
magnet and, afterwards, happily joined its fellow
frogs in a biology department.'

'Our magnet creates a very large magnetic field (about
100 to 1000 times larger than school or household

In this field, all the atoms inside the frog act as
very small magnets creating a field of about 2 Gauss
(although very small, such a field can still be
detected by a compass). One may say that the frog is
now built up of these tiny magnets all of which are
repelled by the large magnet.'
There are 2 kinds of magnetism;

paramagnetism n : materials like aluminum or platinum
become magnetized in a magnetic field but it
disappears when the field is removed

diamagnetism n : materials like copper or bismuth
become magnetized in a magnetic field with a polarity
opposite to the magnetic force; unlike iron they are
slightly repelled by a magnet
diamagnetic vs superconductive images of how magnetic
flux lines passes through or goes around;
'The north and south ends of the Earth are called the
north and south poles. The ends of a magnet are called
north and south poles. This is because the north pole
of a magnet is north-seeking i.e. it always points to
the magnetic north pole, which is close to the
geographic north pole. Similarly, the south pole of a
magnet is south-seeking and always points to the south
magnetic pole.

The Earth itself acts as a magnet with two poles and
an enormous magnetic field. At some places on the
Earth's surface, its magnetic force is greater than at
others. Moreover, the magnetic strength changes with
the passage of the Moon around the Earth. The magnetic
poles also shift their positions slightly from year to
year. The Magnetic North Pole and the Geographic North
Pole do not coincide. '
My point with all this should be clear enough now.

Despite the claims that the earths magnetic field is
of sufficient field strength to be of use, I think we
are missing something.

The Stevens Marks device, though generally thought to
be a scam does exhibit an interesting phenomenon which
various people have experienced. It SEEMS to lend
credence to his claim of tapping the earth flux lines.

The Stevens coil phenomenon involves holding the coil
in your hands and walking across a room, about every 3
feet, the device will push up AGAINST your hands as if
running over some kind of invisible bump.

Flux lines around a magnet (and the earth) are spread
out around the equator and focus at the poles, so
there is a probability that these flux lines would be
spaced apart and of very high intensity, meaning any
research would have to LOCATE such a line before you
could get anything useful.

(of course, this brings up the spectre of the energy
grid and ley lines, but for now, this refers to
something we can test with instrumentation)

That also means if the flux lines are present, that
the background BETWEEN the lines would be of a
different intensity, offering a reference for
comparative measurement.

Rory Johnson and Gerald Orlowski claim that magnetic
fields COMBINE naturally if they are of the same
polarity...that SEEMS to defy logic since LIKE poles
REPEL...however, there is a microscopic effect where
tiny magnets have their properties reversed...LIKE
ATTRACTS LIKE on a microscopic level.

Leedskalnin claimed this and I've seen it written in a
detailed magnetics document but don't have a reference
at the basically says that magnets
exceeding a certain critical size will have like pole
repulsion, magnets below that critical size will have
like pole attraction.

If you could cause a massive accumulation of North
pole magnets in a mass, and that mass was in the
northern hemisphere, it should repel from the earth as
stated in the Wachspress patent below.

With regard to how Coral Castle was built ---
"Jerry W. Decker" <> wrote;

> In Leedskalnins' own words, he refers to tiny
> magnets which can be made to flow all in one
> direction in a mass.
> That being the case, it IS possible that a stone
> could be 'charged' with an accumulation of NORTH
> poles which, being in the NORTHERN hemisphere
> of the earth, would cause the stone to REPEL from
> the earth.
> Even if it was weight reduction, that would allow
> him to move them easily and without assistance.
> There is a patent from 1989 which discusses this and
> claims to have resulted in small flying devices.
> For your edification, the patent is;


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