Re: Leedskalnin & Monopolar weight reduction in mass

Jerry Wayne Decker ( )
Thu, 2 Sep 1999 09:36:34 -0700 (PDT)

Hi Folks!

Received this email regarding my 'error'..:
> Jerry,
> Good information, but I must point out a mistake.
> If you wanted to create magnetic repulsion in the
> Northern Hemisphere you would have to generate
> in your test mass more SOUTH MAGNETIC poles.
> The reason being that the south magnetic pole is
> only a few degrees from the North Geographic pole.
> While the North Magnetic Pole is close to the South
> Geographic pole.

People SAY that but never offer evidence of it...<g>..

Everything I've seen and quoted shows that the North
Pole is technically the NORTH MAGNETIC pole.

The confusion comes from the erroneous labelling of
the compass needle...the south pole of a compass is
labelled as north (usually painted blue) so that it
points to magnetic north.

That is why I quoted that section about the magnetic
poles. No one ever provides proof of that claim.

It is a mistake made by a very few and I keep thinking
a URL with all the evidence would be of use since the
information is all over the net and in many textbooks,
here is a sampling of my backup info;

The Earth's magnetic field is thought to be produced
by the electrical energy that is created as convection
moves the liquid outer core around the solid inner
core (often referred to as a Geodynamo).

Simply stated: the Earth's magnetic field resembles
the field of a giant bar magnet within the Earth
(Figure 24 that shows how a compass can mislead);

The magnet (as a representation of how a magnet would
respond INSIDE THE EARTH) has its north pole pointing
toward the Earth's magnetic south pole

and its south pole pointing towards the Earth's
magnetic (and geographic) north pole

(so that the north pole (which is LABELLED on the
compass pointer AS NORTH is in reality SOUTH) of a
compass needle (which is a tiny magnet) points towards
what we term the North Pole of the Earth).

(in other words, the compass pointer is labelled so
that NORTH points to NORTH...that cannot be since like
poles repel, so the compass point labelled NORTH is
really SOUTH)

The axis of the magnet (and, therefore the magnetic
poles) is not aligned parallel to the Earth's
rotational axis so that the magnetic and geographic
poles do not coincide. The angle between the magnetic
axis and the rotational axis is about 13 degrees but
varies over time.

'Where is the biggest difference between true north
and magnetic north?

The largest magnetic deviations that I know of are, in
the northern hemisphere, near the north magnetic

Northern hemisphere and North MAGNETIC POLE from NASA.

'For the earth, this is not exactly the case because
the north and south magnetic poles are not at
geographically opposite sides of the earth. In fact, a
line drawn between the actual poles passes about
500-700 miles away from the geometric center of the

Again, they aren't perfectly in line but they are
NORTH and SOUTH magnetic.
historical research into the North Magnetic pole;

'Gilbert believed that the North Magnetic Pole
coincided with the north geographic pole. Magnetic
observations made by explorers in subsequent decades
showed that this was not true, and by the early
nineteenth century, the accumulated observations
proved that the pole must be somewhere in Arctic
So, I stand by it, more North poles in the Northern
hemisphere should produce lift or repulsion to a
degree dependent on the intensity.

Just for hoots, here is a website about Wilbur Smiths
comments about the Scully book on UFOs using magnetic

Otto Binder in his book 'What we Really Know
About Flying Saucers' (Fawcett 1967) summed up Smith's
theory this way:-

'Basically, his idea was that the saucers used a
magnetic sink to trap earth's magnetic field,
producing enormous power when the lines of force were
cut by the craft.

Cutting the lines of force of any magnet can produce
power, as witness the electrical generator that whirls
a coil across the lines of a magnetic field
that converts kinetic energy into electricity.'

'Smith was able to show that, as the aurora borealis
is a rainbow-hued phenomenon associated with the earth
magnetic field, the movement of UFOs through the
earth's lines of force would produce the various
shades of orange, red, yellow, blue, green and white
exhibited by the craft.

He could also account for the ubiquitous 'wobbling'
when hovering as due to the constant fluctuations of
the earth's magnetic field.'


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