Re: "Ohsako's principle"

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Sun, 29 Aug 1999 03:29:06 -0500

Hi Folks!

I've been talking with some people and emailing regarding this magnet
business and what are we missing. John Bedinis drawings at

refer to a magnetic vortex that is created when two magnets are placed
near each other with LIKE poles FACING to each other.

Now with the TOMI device, using two rail magnets that are alternately
polarized, meaning the magnet cylinders on the downward end of the ramp
are North against South..

When you place the magnetic roller cylinder between the side rail
magnetic cylinders, you do it with LIKE poles repelling against like

This causes the roller to be REPELLED to the zone of least magnetic
activity, which of course is the equator (Bloch Wall) of the
magnet....inertia keeps it rolling into the embrace of the ATTRACTING
UNLIKE poles which sucks the roller up the ramp until it drops off the

Thus, all magnets have a gradient, from the high flux of the North, to
the cancellation of flux at the equator to the high flux of the South.
Like a big X with the central point being the null zone.

This has all been updated on the TOMIBILD page if anyone wants to try it
for is cheap to do and could yield some phenomeanl
results...check out;

with diagrams to illustrate this 'hole'.

....Falling into a hole....sounds familiar eh?

What if the orbit of the planets is due to this effect? Magnetic fields
of such intensity that we only perceive ripples against the background
level that we perceive as normal?

If you check out the Wachspress patent at;


you will see that he claims to have flown a synthetic monopolar sphere
repelling against the Earth's magnetic field. He also indicates that you
can use this same principle to EXTRACT ENERGY from the earth's magnetic

NASA page on Earth's magnetic field;

'Although the strength of the main field waxes and wanes in strength
during these cycles, and even reaches near-zero for perhaps a few
decades or centuries, the maximum strength doesn't seem to have exceeded
1 gauss.
Currently it is at about 0.6 gauss, so there are some internal
mechanisms that seem to regulate this maximum field strength from cycle
to cycle.'
Doesn't sound like much huh? But energy, like light is subect to the
inverse square law, the more surface area you cover, the more energy and
FLUX lines you can intersect.

Tomi works, the Hamel spinner works, Bedinis Fluxgate works.
Tomi requires the roller be inserted at the base of the magnetic track.
Hamel Spinner requires the magnet be held with the hand.
Fluxgate requires the magnet be inserted into the gate.

Johnson, Minato and Ohsako claim to work.
Johnson requires a hand held magnet for his spinner.
Minator requires a hand held magnet according to his video demo.
Ohsako requires a hand held magnet per Raymond (Hiroshi).

All evidence is pointing to something we should be able to tap and make
self running. You will note the Minato picture where the wheel is
spinning is supposed to be running from a fixed magnet mounted on a
bracket on the wall.

I have a fluxgate using 12 magnets, but am building a new design based
on the TOMI and this to me 'new' understanding of the gradient in the
magnetic flux intensity of two opposed magnets.

I drew it all up on paper and it looks like just gluing magnets to a
ring that alternate as in; NSNSNSNSNSNS would not do the trick because
the intensity would not be a wide enough gradient as would occur in a
bar or cylinder magnet of length, even if created from several magnets
stuck together.


these will be in the form of a ring though not necessarily connected,
the point being to drive the rotor past the ATTRACTIVE end and
sufficiently deep into the REPELLING END to recock it.

Perhaps a tapered end as in the crescent shaped magnets of Howard
Johnson and Minato. That would redirect the flux at the end away from
the rotor to let it enter the REPELLING side with less loss of velocity.

Since ONLY the TOMI runs on its own UP a ramp and the rest must be hand
held for jitters/corrections, that is the version I am working on.
Considered the Ohsako version with a magnet in a thin plastic sleeve,
capped with plastic or tape on each end, with a small piece of urethane
foam between the cap and the end of the magnet...the idea being as the
magnet orbited, it would jitter and move to continually 'recock' itself
so that human intervention would not be necessary.

With the TOMI, the magnet rolls up the surface of the ramp, spinning as
it does to AUTOMATICALLY JIGGLE AND DITHER just like hand motion would
normally do on the Hamel spinner, Johnson or Minato.

If that is the case, that the spinning magnet would produce flux line
variations, then using the Ohsako model, the rotor magnet that orbits
between the two magnetic cylinders, could be mounted with plastic
bearings or dimples on the end that would allow the rotor magnet to spin
on its axis as it orbits between the cylinders....this would duplicate
and hopefully cancel the need for human intervention.

....For now, I plan a fixed TOMI setup using the Ohsako diagram with
possibly gaps between the stator (cylinder) magnets...the next approach
will be the spinning magnet as I think it comes closest to emulating the
TOMI in action...

--            Jerry Wayne Decker  /   /  "From an Art to a Science"      Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187