Re: Magnet Question

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Sat, 28 Aug 1999 09:37:31 -0500

Hi Darren et al!

If you look at how John did his fluxgate, rather than waiting like I
did, looking for a big cylinder magnet, he just glued a bunch of small
rectangular magnets around the inside of a ring shape and voila', he had
a cylinder magnet of whatever shape he wanted.

I am building one now using the rectangular magnets from Radio Shack (5
for $1.79US)...but mine will use 15 magnets...

The point is the flux lines blend and you get the same thing as if you
had a big cylinder that was could also make a smaller
version with a tighter field for more power...check out John Bedini's
fluxgate construction at;