Magnet Question

Darren Hesford ( (no email) )
Sat, 28 Aug 1999 15:13:14 +0100

Hi Jerry & All

I wonder If someone might be able to help me with a question I have about
magnets ?

Hiroshi R. Maekawa wrote
<Stator was made from many pies of magnets which cut out from magnet>
<block, bought from TDK Japan. After glue them grind them by CNC machine>
<carefully. To make one stator, it took about 3 weeks to one month. >

Is it practical to machine magnets? I was always under the impression that
it damaged their alignment and so made them less efficient or does a lot
depend on which type of magnet you use, what I am getting at is would I able
to machine a Neodymium block without destroying its properties?

What I want to try is to drill holes through each face of a square block of
magnet then put various metal objects through the centre I.e. copper coil,
mercury filled tube etc then insert solid cylinder magnets into the other
holes varying their polarities to see if any current can be produced.
If I am completely flogging a dead horse here could someone let me know as
it would be a shame to ruin some good magnets that I could use for other

Darren Hesford