Re: The Photon AVI

Warren York ( )
Mon, 23 Aug 1999 14:11:40 -0500 wrote:
> If you want you can post it on your web site. I am making a better one so
> that you can see both time tunnels. They both look some what like photons
> because I didn't veiw the second tunnel. I didn't think Keelynet would
> allow it that's why I sent it to you and of course I send everything to you
> about project Millenium for your aproval and discussion. I was shocked that
> file was only 512kb. It's probably because its useing wire frame. Didn't
> render as much.
> The neutrino, like you said, could also be its shaddow. Could it be the
> electron emmitting the extra photons charge so it goes back to 918 paired? I
> think that's wht you were saying.

Warren writes:
I will hold off posting any AVI's on the site until we have a better
view of the exact action taking place. Wire frame is fine for it shows
the internal action which is what it is all about. This is what science
today is unable to display and the reason they only have detected the
surface motions as Spin UP and Spin Down electrons.

Yes, exactly. The 918 paired quanta level is the level that makes the
electron stable. Too much more and it will warp out and too much less
it is not considered matter (an electron). Yes, That is why the photons
are emitted during the stimulated emission process. There is also a
reason for the 918 quanta level. I will get into that at a later time.

Such a craft using technology based on this GUT of Light will give off
light as its bye product as you can now understand why.

I think I can explain how the photons capture each other also and form
the 45 degree counter light tunnels. This is what Gravity is all about.
The photonic fields produced will produce the quadrupoles of gravity
and the 90 degree component field the dipole of electromagnetics.
This is why the equations look alike. Gravity: Universal Gravitation Law
F = G [m sub1 X m sub2/r^2] and Electrostatics: (Coulomb's Law)
F = k [q sub1 X q sub2/r^2] . Warren