RE: Takyon-Based Protective Unified Field Energy Devices

Matthew Goff ( (no email) )
Mon, 23 Aug 1999 09:36:05 -0700

I am skeptical.

I have seen many devices that purport to have some sort of EM blocking
effect, and most of them are totally bogus. In fact, most of them can't
even cause a cell phone to stop working.

I am also skeptical of sites that allude to "Mass Mind Control" and then
want to take money for the device that will protect you from these effects.
There are at least three distinct issues here, and they have been blurred
together for the sake of profit.

1. Is EM radiation harmful/behavior altering to humans?

2. Is there a good way to guard against it?

3. Are there ongoing experiments in manipulating people with EM radiation?

I will now deal with these questions in order.

Firstly, as to the harmful effects of EM on humans. There is no good
evidence to support the notion that artificial EM radiation is harmful. The
natural background radiation level of our planet blows away anything that we
are doing in radio broadcasting. Also, although human generated EM has been
on the rise for over a century, people are living LONGER. Indicating that
EM is probably not killing us.

Secondly, as to guarding against EM. Build a lead lined box. In fact, if
you really wanted to prove that the EM activity is harmful, you would do a
test involving two groups of rats. One group could be shielded by a lead
lined box, and the other group would be kept normaly. If the EM is really
so bad, one would expect to see differences within a few generations.

Thirdly, as to the notion that there is some massive mind control experiment
going on. Highly doubtful. What real proof is there? The only EM based
mind control technology that I know of is the television. If someone truly
wanted to alter people's minds, it would be FAR more cost effective to try
to psychologically engineer TV broadcasts than to emit energy patterns that
would have the desired effects on a person's brain. Also, there is enough
variation in the internal organization of human brains to make a "direct"
manipulative attack a very uncertain thing. Language provides a common
interface to varied brain configurations.

So, to sum up, I think that this guy is pedling snake oil.


-----Original Message-----
From: Ole Alstrup []
Sent: Monday, August 23, 1999 7:17 AM
Subject: Takyon-Based Protective Unified Field Energy Devices

I would be most interested to hear from anyone who has
had practical experience with a Takyon device
described at the Leading Edge Research website.
The technology is meant for protection against
electromagnetic pollution and is described at: and

The T-1 capsule is reported as being able to create a
protective takyon force-field against approximately 3
feet in diameter when worn around the neck. In terms
of field function, it is composed of two
counter-rotating Takyon Tensor Fields of very high
frequency that functionally "suck up", deflect or
attentuate (mute) electromagnetic field photons
present in ambient electromagnetic frequencies,
especially in the psychoactive mind affecting regions,
by disorganizing the photonic information-carrying

Interesting stuff! What do you think?

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