Re: silver wire?

Ken Macht ( )
Mon, 16 Aug 1999 12:25:46 -0400

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Handy and Harmon. Don't think that they're on the web. Ask a jewelry makerfor a telephone number; I can't find the catalog (I am moving).

I just pulled thess off the web, so caveat emptor!
 550 ProductsPage
 freecheap make your own colloidal silver maker instructions    sells .999 wire:(

Also, try these guys:  SOTAInstruments Inc. - Devices by Dr. Bob Beck and Dr. Hulda Clark.

They sell the electrode already attached to a cable with a telephoneplug. It is expensive but it solves the problem of acquisition and theproblem of ensuring that no non-silver metal contaminates your brew.

I use 1/4 inch .9999 silver bezel from handy and harmon. Forget allyou know about time to make the colloid. I have a 20 oz glass full of itin about 1 minute off a nine volt dry cell. More surface area. You payalot more but almost no other metals.

Steve wrote:

Hi all, I'm trying to locate a supplier in Canada(preferably Ontario) of
pure silver wire. I'm going to make some colloidal silver water, butas of
yet I've been unable to get the silver wire. Can anyone tell me whereI
might be able to purchase about a foot of pure silver wire? (From theUSA if
I have to, but because of the current exchange rates, I prefer to buy
Searches of wholesale jewelry suppliers so far has turned up nothing..maybe
I'm just looking in the wrong places..


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