Re: Water powered car via electrolysis?

Bob Paddock ( )
Sun, 15 Aug 1999 10:07:31 -0400

>Seems like just a really efficient battery that can be recharged with
>hydrogen. So things would amount to refilling a hydrogen tank instead of a
>gas tank in your car?

So far.

>Would this be cheaper than regular gasoline?
>But how would the hydrogen be obtained?

Right now The Real World seems to be going the direction of
using Gasoline, which contains lots of Hydrogen, to refill
vehicles fuel cells. It makes since to use the existing
infastructor to start with. Tho I know most of us here
probably don't really agree with that, me being one of them.

>with. Why not just use current batteries and recharge them with current

Their energy density, kW per pound sucks. You can start to
use things like Zinc-Air Batteries that weigh almost nothing
but then their volume gets out of hand.

>I was hoping for a self contained system that only needed water to continue
>running (and didn't pollute).

All of us here are with you on that. Like I said search
Keelynet for the several 'Dr. X' files.

These sites are a good starting place for Hydrogen:

-- For information on any of the following check out my WEB site at:          Free Air Conditioning/No CFC's, Chronic Pain Relief, Echofone,Electromedicine, Electronics, Explore!, Free Energy, Full Disclosure,KeelyNet, Matric Limited, Neurophone, Oil City PA, Philadelphia Experiment.