Tue, 10 Aug 1999 14:33:00 EDT

Hi Ren,
Yes in fact these particles have been seen not just their bounce. These
particles have been seen using electron microscopes inside these
Accelerators, but they are hard to look at as one individual quark since they
are always wanting to group into three. That's how they have seen the
filament that I spoke of inside these quarks which are thought to be pure
energy in the form of a vibration. They've been packed into a little pocket
by forces of the big bang. Gravity and the boson gluons have not been seen
though. The reasons why the other quarks charm, strange, bottom, and top
mysteriously decay back into up and down quarks are still being studied. One
reason could be that quarks heavier than our own (Up and Down) are crushed by
the 8 gluons detected with "conclusion based on cloud chamber experiments"
mind you gluons haven't been seen directly, but neither has atoms; not like
how me and you see (photon bounces) all seeing is bounces anyway. Atoms
have been seen using electrons bouncing of them to fill out an image.
Basically your saying your eye sight is imagined... not true. We are seeing
photons bounce. You can ask your optometrist that question!
Another thing, I don't understand your idea of hydrogen's imagination....
makes no sense and practicality in this realm physics which you so
delightedly said," I personally am not interested in knowing how the creator
created his own mind and idea of matter." That's what physics was made for,
evidently you are in the wrong field. Also you said," We have enough useless
professors regurgitating ideas discovered 100 years ago by people with
nothing more than a clear brain unfettered by scientific jargon." Mind you,
the quark ideas were coming out around the same time atoms were being proved
true. Quite the opposite now, the proof of quarks are no here and this part
of particles physics is quite new. In fact discoveries have come out just in
the past sixteen years 1983 including others in 1990 of their proof.
Last but not least, you said," For God's sake think simple and make some
practical work instead of blinding us with theoretical rubbish that get's no
one anywhere." Sorry, this is no longer theoretical rubbish. In fact, you
sound like your more worried about inventing something and becoming famous
then understanding and stumbling across ideas with experiments. You know
there's a place to get instant fame... its called Hollywood... it might be a
little easier for you then this practice.
I apologize for not writing my name on my last paper.
If you'd like to learn more about quarks here's a web address that will
explain and show where all the quarks were discovered and the facility and
its name.

Quarks are simple by the way. The further you get down into physics the
simpler it gets... that's why they are called --fundamental-- particles of
matter. The rules for which they come by are more strict making it easier to
probe new ways of approaching a problem.

Jeremy Lynn Mumme