Mon, 9 Aug 1999 03:16:21 EDT

Hi everyone!
I have been advise to write a page about the basic theory of quarks.
Since this is very new in the physics world most people don't know much about
these particles that make up atoms; the smallest we have been able to get.
To know these objects is to know how to minipulate the Universe.

Basic Quark Theory
Fg = gm1m2/d2
As we all know atoms are made up of a nucleus of protons and neutrons,
and an outer shell of orbiting electrons which are the same number of
protons. The things that make up neutron and protons are called quarks.
Quarks are the smallest unit of atomic particle of the nucleus. Quarks
are thought to be pointlike objects, but there is also the idea that quarks
are a string like object which suports the String Theory. Inside a quark it
has been seen that a small fillament is visible. The fillament is still
under investigation, but I theorize it as pure energy waves crushed in a
packet. Most other physicists think along the same lines as my theory.
There are six different know quarks. The quarks are named Up, Down,
Charm, Strange, Top, and Bottom. Every quark has a oppisitly charged quark.
Like the Up and Down quark (the only quarks that occur in protons and
neutrons that is in ordinary matter). The Up quark being positive charged
(+2/3) and the Down being negative (-1/3) come in two different arrangements
of three. For example, a neutron is two Down quarks and an Up quark. A
proton is two Up quarks and one Down quark. All quarks always exist with
three kinds in these two different arrangements. The only other arrangement
of quarks is the pion wich contains an Up quark and an anti Up quark. Just
the same a Down quark and an anti Down quark is a pion. (Anti meaning same
quark with an oppissite charge). The other quarks exsits in unstable
particles that spontaneously decay.
All particles made up of quarks are called Hadrons. Hadrons that are
made of three quarks such as, neutrons and protons, are called Baryons.
Hadrons that are made of the same quark with its antiquark are called mesons.
All particles with a spin of 1/2 and 3/2 are called Fermions. The strong
force that binds quarks is an eight particle Boson called 8 gluon which I
will talk about more later.
Next is the next set of particles called Leptons. Leptons are particles
that unresponsive to the stronge force that holds the nucleus of an atom
together. The best known Lepton is the Electron. All Leptons have a
negative charge and the spin of 1/2. Other Leptons include Muons and Taus.
Leptons have an associated neutrino with no electric charge and no or very
little mass. Leptons respond to the weak nuclear force, electromagnetic
force, and gravitational forces.
Now remember the Quarks and Leptons are fundamental particles of matter.
The other sets of particles called the Bosons are the fundamentals of
transmitting interactions with these fundamental particles of matter. The
most famous Boson is the Photon. Bosons are both particles and waves proved
by Albert Einstein because they they rise in fall in strength in their
field(wave) and the energy is contained in seperate pockets of
energy(particle). Photons transmits the electromagnetic force. The strong
force that binds quarks to make neutrons and protons and other Hadrons are
transmitted by eight particles call gluons. The weak force of radioactivity
such as the sun uses to creat energy are called Vector Mesons.
Antiparticles which was predicted by P.A.M. Dirac. For every
fundamental particle there must exist another particle with the same mas but
with an oppisite electric charge. Anti electron is called a positron.
Properties of Bosons
Electric Interact Interact with Change
Boson Spin Charge Mass with Color? Electric Charge?Flavor? Role
photon 1 0 0 no yes
no Transmits electromagnetic force
8 gluons 1 0 0 yes no no
Transmits strong force
W+ 1 1 about 80 no yes yes
Transmits weak force
W- 1 -1 about 80 no yes
yes Transmits weak force
Z0 1 0 about 90 no yes
no Transmits weak force
X 1 4/3 10 power15 yes yes
yes Arises in Grand Unified Theories Y 1 -1/3
10 power15 yes yes yes and is expected
to mediate the decay of the proton

The Fundamental Particles of Matter*
Electric Approximate
Particle Spin Charge Mass Color Flavor
electron 1/2 -1 1/2,000 no yes
neutrino 1/2 0 0 no yes
meson 1/2 -1 1/10 no yes
neutrino 1/2 0 0 no yes
Tau 1/2 -1 2 no yes
neutrino 1/2 0 0 no yes
up 1/2 2/3 1/50 yes yes
down 1/2 -1/3 1/100 yes yes
charm 1/2 2/3 2 yes yes
strange 1/2 -1/3 1/5 yes yes
top 1/2 2/3 >18 yes yes
bottom 1/2 -1/3 5 yes yes

Gravity constant equation
Fg = gm1m2/d2

Fg is gravity attraction
m is mass
d is distance.

baryons- Hadrons that consist of three quarks
bosons- particles that carry the basic physical forces
electrons- the lightest leptons They have charge of -1.
fermions- all particles with an odd half-integral spin, such as 1/2 or 3/2.
Examples include leptons and baryons
gluon- bosons that presumably carry the gravitational force. Gravitons have
not actually been observed yet
hadrons- all particles that are made up of quarks
leptons- particles that are found outside the nucleus. There are six types
of leptons called electrons, muons, tau, with respective neutrinos
mesons- hadrons formed from one quark and its antiquark
muons- leptons that are slightly heavier than the electron. Although these
particles existed during the early moments of the beginning of the universe,
they now exist only in particle accelerators and cosmic rays.
neutrinos- particles with no electric charge and either no or very little mass
neutrons- uncharged elementary particles that, along with protons, are
constituents of atomic nuclei
photons- bosons that carry the electromagnetic force. Photons are the
particles that make up light.
protons- positively charged elementary particles that, along with neutrons,
are constituents of atomic nuclei
quarks- particles that make up neutrons and protons. Quarks come in six
types, called flavors: up, down , charm, strange, top, and bottom.
Taus- The heaviest leptons. Today these particles can only be found in
particles accelerators and cosmic rays, though they were once abundant during
the early moments o the universe's creation.
vector mesons- (also called W+, W-, and Z0 bosons). Bosons that carry the
weak force, which is responsible for some types of radioactive decay.

people that don't have aol the charts might not come out correct.
E-mail me for this write up file for the charts. Its a .doc file
please respond if you have anything to add or anyquestions.