TIME ,Time Locks, Signatures, Imprints and such.

Tue, 3 Aug 1999 18:34:25 EDT


Hi Warren and Everyone!

I have been asking the question "What is Time?" for many Years.

Time like Gravity is still undefined officially.

Time seems intimately connected to what Physics or Thermodynamics refers to
as Entropy. Entropy being the increase in disorder that takes place in any
physical process or chemical process; this being characterized by a loss of
heat into the universe at large. I believe that Entropy is in a sense, a
measure of Time, that clocks on the surface in only one direction as Time

Any understanding that we have of Science comes through very strict
definition of terms.

Time might then initially be defined as the average or mean increase in
disorder of energy in space. This could then be considered in different size
volumes and would allow for Time to vary slightly according to different
dispersions of Energy in Space.

dt = K dE/dV might be an initial starting point. dt = differential or small
unit of time
dE = change of Energy
dV = small unit Volume of Space
K = a possible constant(as

Hence the cycling of Time would be dependent upon the average or mean ratio
of the density or amount of Energy confined in a given Volume of Space during
its dispersion.

Energy Concentration in a given Volume of Space Seems to be related to
Temperature as Well.

This phenomena seems to be born out in Human experience. Young children have
a higher average temperature and Time seems to be moving faster subjectively.
As we age our internal clock or sense of Time seems to slow down as our
average body temperature decreases. The older we get the greater the
disorder we experience in the body as well, until complete disorder and death
occurs, resulting in a final cooling to the ambient Temperature of the
surrounding universe.

My most current theory sees the Universe or Third Dimension of Energy/Space
being enclosed in a gigantic Magnetic Bubble. Its as if the Universe is a
giant singularity like an instrument, say a guitar being strummed. This
Process or waveform of the strumming then inturn controls the interaction of
Energy /Matter in Space resonating in complex interference/fractal patterns,
which intern controls the average or mean dispersion of Energy in Space.
This cyclic strumming would then be called Time as it interacts with the
Three Space universe. Entropy would then be the direct result of this
strumming or cycling that we would call Time.

I would suggest that this Time/Strumming is a Non-Third Dimensional energy
such as a Scalar Energy Wave that would act directly and indirectly upon the
Universe/Singularity Magnetic Bubble as if through sympathetic resonance, and
Holographically upon each particle of matter in the universe. The creation,
birth or entry of an object into Three Space would then impart a
charactoristic Imprint pattern upon such a Matter/Energy form directly
related to its position in Three Space and the charactoristic Energy/Space
dispersion/interference patterns relative to its position. This Imprinting
would in turn be down to the quantum level and beyond.
