Warren E. York ( (no email) )
Tue, 3 Aug 1999 17:51:43 -0500

Here is the list I said I would post plus an attached correspondents
The list is still growing. I will supply definitions of all listed upon
request as
I have #5 here. Enjoy and have fun with it in your own mind. I will post
a full list at my site with definitions when TIME allows. Perhaps we can
start to understand just what TIME really is in this manner. Once you see
and understand its components you will be on the road to engineering it
in the lab as we have. Warren
Would like a bit more elaboration on your term "composite time".
There is a peculiar temporal quality in my expanding matrix which isn't
time as we know it, but I can still only relate to... (in the human
thought process) as time. It appears as an instantaneous time (which is
kind of an oxymoron). There seem to be two ways to interpret it, which
is unusual, because most of these transformations only have one
interpretation. I think I have to go up one more transformation level
to understand it, but can't seem to do this yet. This confusion seems to
happen when I'm contemplating a subject that has a different
manifestation in the left brain (hemisphere) than the right.
There are many forms of TIME.
1. Perception of TIME
2. Present TIME
3. Past TIME
4. Future TIME
5. Composite TIME
6. Analog TIME
7. Rate of TIME
8. Arrow of TIME
9. Transition of TIME
10. Signature of TIME
11. Flow of TIME
12. Equilibrium of TIME
13. Composition of TIME
14. Expansion of TIME
15. Angle of TIME
16. Static TIME
17. Dynamic TIME
18. Increment of TIME
19. Void of TIME
20. Limits of TIME
21. Window of TIME
22. Event of TIME
23. Parallel of TIME
24. Echo's of TIME
25. Shift of TIME
26. Line of TIME
27. Path of TIME
28. Sequence of TIME
29. Order of TIME
30. Placement of TIME
31. Lock of TIME
32. Linear TIME
33. Quantum TIME

#5 Composite TIME: The domain of Composite TIME lies in the Energy
world state of being. This is the virtual state of TIME that consist of
ALL OF TIME as we know it. All events Past, Present and Future are omni
present. It holds the TIME Line for each Path that can be taken. TIME
here is not as we know it in our present state of physical being for it
is strictly an energy world quality. It has not yet formed into Analog
TIME due to the absence of the formation of Matter. Once Matter is formed
the Line will close and loop upon itself for that piece of matter forming
a Hopf Ellipse and the TIME Signature for that matter as its placement in
the virtual TIME Line state into a physical state of TIME of existence as
the present or NOW moment. An example of Composite TIME from our physical
viewing point is a Dream State of being. In a dream there is no order of
TIME. TIME does not exist as we know it in the waking state. Events can
take place out of sequence and are totally acceptable. You can skip
around for there is no placement of TIME required. It is TIME omni
present. Warren

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