Lock vs. Signature of TIME

Warren E. York ( (no email) )
Tue, 3 Aug 1999 17:29:37 -0500

From: Jerry Wayne Decker <jwdatwork@yahoo.com>
To: "Warren E. York" <warren.york@juno.com>, interact@keelynet.com
Date: Tue, 3 Aug 1999 13:36:00 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Re: TIME Lock

Hi Warren et al!

I didn't see anthing about 'approval'...I thought it
was already posted and offered an interesting take,
but the term signature as opposed to lock I thought a
bit confusing, since a signature can and does change
as matter ages, well, in my opinion based on observing
birth, life and death..

The lock specifically entrains mass to a planet so
that it was clocked, like one single cycle that,
depending on phase could be used to age or reverse age
or put the mass in a standstill configuration.

A signature would determine the relationship of the
mass to a given temporal pattern which everyone seems
so fascinated about these days in the subject of time
Hi Jerry and all:
I find you to be correct in your assessment of the two words. Even
though they have a common source they hold totally different meanings
in context.

Example: In making a TIME JUMP (when ever we reach such level of
technology) a TIME LOCK is very important to its placement with the
other matter around it. Slip synch and you will have real problems with
two pieces of matter trying to occupy the same point in TIME and SPACE.
Not a good feeling if you are making the jump. You may become part of
the wooden table or even the metal wall of the ship if you were on a
cruse while making the jump.

You are also correct in saying a SIGNATURE is always changing with
the passage of TIME where a TIME LOCK is a total different thing.
But a SIGNATURE can be used to track targets of matter through TIME.
A SIGNATURE can be found on a TIME LINE. I will post the list of
forms of TIME so readers can choose from there to ask questions. Third
party input like Jerry's is always welcome.

I will leave it at this for now. Thanks for the input. Warren
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