Re: Is elemental resonance worldwide in phase?

John Berry ( )
Sun, 01 Aug 1999 23:58:28 +1200

If you had a large room full number of tuning forks all at different phases
(but same freq.) and then brought a number of those (say 5 out of 50) into
phase the same phase, would all the tuning folks come into phase in time?
would the 5 influence the other 45 to one single phase? will the dominant
phase become attractive, will others change to it?

"Jerry W. Decker" wrote:

> Hi Ren et al!
> I am very confused by your last post about time travel and Bruce Cathie
> as it doesn't correlate with the original thread which was regarding
> elemental resonance being in phase across the world.
> I also didn't understand how billionaires, financing and such came into
> it, that is fantasy even in my world and every meeting I've ever had has
> revolved around pumping information from me for a lunch or dinner
> <g>...or an offer of full business with sales with them getting 90%.
> I have also experienced the failure and non-interest in several attempts
> at organizing any group that does anything worthwhile on a shoestring.
> There are wheels within wheels for me that are best left unsaid at this
> time, so I am in a position Keely refers to as 'deadwork'.
> Now, back to the thread, this URL indicates there are perturbations from
> the environment;
> "The U.S. Naval Observatory operates about 70 such cesium clocks, as
> well as other precision clocks like hydrogen masers, in 18 vaults whose
> temperature and, usually, humidity are closely controlled in order to
> minimize perturbations by their environment. The time measurements are
> made by devices called time-interval counters that compare each clock's
> time against that of one "Master Clock," whose frequency is steered
> to match its time to the average of the other clocks. This time is the
> Observatory's measure of the atomic time called Coordinated Universal
> Time (UTC). Some cesium clocks are transported to remote locations in
> order to synchronize other clocks."
> "In a cesium clock like these, liquid cesium is heated to a gaseous
> state in an oven. A hole in the oven allows the atoms to escape at high
> speed. These particles pass between two electromagnets whose field
> causes the atoms to separate into two beams, depending on which spin
> energy state they are in. Those in the lower energy state pass through
> the ends of a U-shaped cavity in which they are irradiated by microwaves
> of 3.26-cm wavelength."
> --------------
> This excitation with microwaves and heating to a gas I think skews the
> natural resonance so it still doesn't definitively answer the question
> to my satisfaction.
> It is much like the methods used in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR)
> which uses a 10kilogauss fluctuating magnetic field to cause a specific
> atom to ping when the frequency matches the resonance of the atom being
> tested.
> I never trusted that either because of the skewing or compression of the
> atom under the influence of the high density magnetic field. The
> resultant frequency would be more of a mode or a harmonic, than the true
> frequency at which the atom would vibrate just sitting on a table with
> no unnatural outside influences.
> With regard to the molecular frequency discriminator (MFD), it appears
> to entrain atoms swept by its signal so that a bizarre energy connection
> is made from the transmitter to the target(s). The MFD is basically a
> tunable oscillator attached to a coil attached to a metal stake that is
> inserted into the ground. There is a secondary coil, electrified with a
> 9VDC battery and connected to its own metal stake which is inserted in
> the ground some distance from the transmitter. The purpose of the
> secondary coil is to allow triangulation on the mass you are seeking.
> The detector is a coil powered by a 9vdc battery and connected to two
> dowsing rods. When it works, the rods pivot and point to these energy
> lines allowing you to locate the mass you are seeking.
> Now all things vibrate at all frequencies, but have the highest energy
> coupling at the fundamental resonant frequency.
> So, say you setup the transmitter and the secondary, tune the machine to
> the resonant frequency for gold and turn it on. There will be lines
> instantly emitted that will allow you to triangulate onto any gold in
> the area...well, that's the theory.
> The resonant frequency for gold on this devices is 50khz with a variable
> of 5khz which as I understand was for isotope variations. But it seems
> to work (when it works) anywhere within that 45-55khz range.
> So that raises another question which is; When the transmitter sends out
> the resonant frequency of 50khz, does it cause all the gold in that area
> to synchronize to the one master frequency?
> Yet another influence would be the influx of gravity which varies over
> the earths surface over time.
> I'll keep looking to see if the experiment has ever been done, at this
> time, I don't think there is sufficient proof either way, but from the
> little information I've found, it seems to be that atoms are NOT
> synchronized but that they might be very easily. Perhaps in a time when
> we didn't have all these EM fields creating skewing effects, the
> elements were more tightly in tune with each other and that gets into
> even more I'll stop now...<g>....
> --
> Jerry Wayne Decker /
> / "From an Art to a Science"
> Voice : (214) 324-8741 / FAX : (214) 324-3501
> KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187
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