Is elemental resonance worldwide in phase?

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Fri, 30 Jul 1999 23:47:07 -0500

Hi Folks!

I've asked this question before, about a year ago and never got a
response one way or another, possibly because it has never been tested?

The question is one that I think would lead to all kinds of intereting
effects and applications.

Each element has its own resonant frequency.
My question is;

If you take a sample of cesium with a Resonance frequency of 13.187 MHz
as measured in a lab in Texas, then you take another sample of cesium
with the same resonant frequency and measure it in China at the same
exact time, would the frequency truly be resonant and IN PHASE?

I know it appears to be a silly question but I've never found a
satisfactory answer saying YES or NO, that such a test had been done and
replicated independently to verify the result.

You might ask why this is of interest? Because I want to take a sample
of deuterium as a master reference, run it through a circuit (such as a
CE transistor configuration) to phase shift it by exactly 180 degrees
and at the same amplitude as the source frequency, then re-emit it into
the target to cancel the 'effect' of the deuterium.

Now there is a local guy named Hal Crawford who drew a few pictures for
Tom Beardens book and wrote a few articles for his Specula magazine
years ago. I've not heard from Hal in many years now but he had once
written up a short article with a hand drawing showing a human body
surrounded by a coil. A sample of cancerous tissue from the subject was
to be place in a radionics or other electronic device capable of phase
shifting the wave, then rebroadcasting it back into the body. The
purpose was to cancel the pattern and thus help destroy the disease

Now, Keely used a term called sympathetic vibratory resonance which
appears to have been different from normal resonance.

Normal resonance is when two masses are at the same frequency and both
are in phase.

Sympathetic vibratory resonance appears to have been that the amplitude
was identical as well as with the same frequency and both in phase with
the other.

With biological systems, I think it very important that this distinction
be made since if you detect the resonant frequency of a mass, it must be
at the same amplitude but 180 degrees out of phase.

This is critical because excesss amplitude 180 degrees phase shifted
from the emitter to the target will impart energy TO the target.

Identical amplitude with a 180 degree phase shift will simply CANCEL the
information pattern.

Lower amplitude with a 180 degree phase shift from the emitter to the
target will extract energy FROM the target.

What I am wanting to try is to cancel the quenching effect of deuterium
as D2O in the body with regard to biological transmutation and energy
production in the mitochondria, but in a very controlled way for safety

Does anyone here have any insight or information on this question of all
elements being in phase with like elements anywhere in the world?
GPS and satellite frequencies;
Atomic spectral emissions;

--            Jerry Wayne Decker  /   /  "From an Art to a Science"      Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187