Re: The Hindthorne F/E device claim

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Mon, 05 Jul 1999 00:01:36 -0500

Hi Marcelo et al!

With regard to the Hindthorne coil arrangement you wrote;
> That description reminded me of the good old "Coler device", with
> coils wound and attached to magnets. The whole device was mounted
> as a circle too.

Yes, as did the Hubbard, Hendershot and now the Stevens coil. You
caught that too, eh? ATTACHED TO MAGNETS....not inductively coupled but
physically connected.

Can you see any way that iron pyrite sitting in the middle of a coil and
exposed to bright sunlight could possibly induce a current in a coil
that would stimulate this secondary to produce power?

You know, the closest I can come to it is the Adams device as posted at;

....a silver grey metal which he claims gives off electrical energy

In fact, to prove his point, he already CLAIMS to run clocks, a radio,
and a small TV set at his home -- just by plugging into his piece of
strange metal.

Mr Adams, a retired ultra-sonic engineer and radiologist who once worked
on Concorde, patented his discovery under a trade name. But the Ministry
of Defence warned him in writing that his find was covered by the
Official Secrets Acts. He was not to reveal the components of the
substance or it's location.

"This substance is a combination of natural elements in a hitherto
undiscovered form and which could have taken tens of thousands of years
to discover scientifically."

A piece no bigger than a shirt button could replace batteries in cars
and commercial vehicles. A slab half the size of a shoe box could
provide all the power and light for a normal three up and two down
family house -- for next to nothing.
Additional comments from Dave Saltrese who knew Adams; is a class of petrovoltaic of which there seems to be quite a few.
I have found Bornite (copper iron sulfide) will give the same results.
Place the rock in a dish with a few drops of water, wait for the rock to
absorb some of the moisture and it will then act like a battery.
Now I had seen another article years ago which I think claimed that the
Adams circuit required a Moray type vacuum tube system to amplify and
suck in the power from the rock. I find it interesting that Adams says
it is an 'unusual form' that he has managed to synthesize, so it sounds
precisely like the Swedish stone of Moray's valve (probably germanium).

The valve appears to somehow collect incoming cosmic rays OR convert
ambient aether/zpe influxes to produce power that can be accumulated and
pumped with the right kind of vacuum tube arrangement.

Here is where a kind of negative resistance would be of use and for
several years I have been thinking this negative resistance could be
produced by the right wave interference patterns.

When you inject two frequencies against each other, if they are resonant
they are perfectly in phase. You can adjust the phase angle so that one
wave appears to move backward or forward with regard to a fixed wave.

So thinking in terms of pressure, we have the ambient pressure that is
the reference or 'ground' (the fixed wave).

Anything GREATER than ground is positive energy (forward moving wave
with respect to the fixed wave) that can be passed through a load and
converted to do useful work, whether as heat, mechanical motion,
current, etc...

Anything LESS than ground is negative energy (reverse moving wave with
respect to the fixed wave) and should suck ambient ground energy (from
the fixed wave) into it, to pull it up to the ground this
would be equivalent to a negative resistance which sucks in energy.

Therefore, by so tuning a circuit against a known ground reference
frequency, you should be able to create just such a 'well' of negative
resistance to pull in additional 'free' energy.

Now, I can't see this energy being just ONE freqency, but rather
thousands or more, though it is possible there are certain frequencies
of higher amplitude, much like the Schuman resonance peaks.

Everything vibrates and so is sensitive to every other vibration with
the greatest sensitivity (and energy transfer) being at the resonant
frequency or harmonic thereof.

So, if we are trying to simultaneously tune into thousands of
frequencies to produce a 'negative resistance well' for each of them,
passed through a dual opposed diode configuration to extract both halves
of the wave energy (positive and negative), then we would need to have a
fast acting device, like a germanium transistor that was biased to
create a negative well for every frequency.

That I cannot imagine for one device, though I can see numerous such
transistors in an array biased for each frequency to create this
negative well.

Now what if this device was dynamically adaptive to instantly adjust the
phase for every incoming wave, no matter what frequency, so that it
created this negative resistance well and sucked in all of the energy
from most if not all of the incoming waves?

At the moment, I can't see how this is possible but perhaps the Adams
stone OR the iron pyrite in the article could function like a giant cat
whisker radio, having many 'sweet spots' where a high current could be
extracted at one resonant frequency.

This cat whisker business has fascinated me since I was a kid with my
first must move the pointer over the surface until you get
the strongest signal...amazing...

Anyway, I didn't mean for this to be so extensive, but the idea just
seems intriguing and I wanted to also correlate the Moray and Adams
claims with it.

But the most probable thing is that the iron pyrite could be CONNECTED,
like a cat whisker to the coil....

Here is a good description of a catwhisker crystal radio set that
requires no battery;

Crystal set radios pick up AM radio without batteries or electricity. In
the simplest terms, the broadcast station puts out enough power in the
form of a radio signal to be picked up by a crystal set.

The crystal radio antenna captures this electromagnetic energy, and the
signal then passes through the crystal detector. Through a process
called "rectification," the detector samples half of the radio wave and
transforms the wave into a signal that can produce audio in the

This mysterious process first intrigued great inventors such as Braun,
Marconi, and Pickard, and it continues to fascinate electronics buffs,
amateur radio operators, and engineers today.

The hobby of building and listening to crystal radio had its first and
biggest craze in the 1920's. Once radio stations began broadcasting all
over the country, people began buying and building crystal radio kits.
At that time a true mineral crystal was used as the detector.

The most popular crystal was galena, and a fine piece of wire called a
"cat's whisker" was used to touch the crystal and find the "hot spot" on
the rock where a station would come in.

These days, many hobbyists use the modern day diode instead of a
crystal, but there are still experimenters who strive for the thrill of
getting Radio Japan on a rock.

Crystal Radios require a special high impedance earplug; these are
available from the Society and other sources. Regular stereo earphones
will not work.

Why? The first crystal radio headphones were different from the modern
steroeo headphones of today, they usually had input impedances of 2000
ohms or higher. (The input impedance for modern stereo earphones is a
small fraction of this value).

If you are an electrical techy type you can get a transformer and rig up
newer phones to work, but the cost is much more than the inexpensive
$2.50 crystal earplug. (Of course, experimentation with input impedances
could be the basis for a more advanced science fair project).
What if there were MULTIPLE fingers squeezing the catwhisker to extract
multiple 'sweet spots' simultaneously???

In the book 'The Sea of Energy' written by Moray, he mentions using an
earphone to tune into a 'whoosh-whoosh' sound that he picked up by
tuning his 'Moray valve' (specially doped germanium crystal which he
found in Sweden).

Perhaps Moray or Adams's circuits also were high impedance? The loads
in Morays tests were usually many 100 watt bulbs which glowed unusually
bright, were cooled to the touch, except for one small dark spot on the
inside of the bulb.

These bulbs were believed to be powered with high frequency energy,
though as far as I know, no one ever measured the frequency of the
current from his circuit as it fed a load.

When Moray ran out of this material, he apparently wasn't able to find
more of it, so his experiments faded away as he could no longer prove it
with a working device...well, that's one version...some say the 'valve'
was really lead doped with radium but that is too easy.

Lots of possibilities here, and I should not fail to mention the
writings of Gerry Vassilatos in his excellent book, 'Lost Science' from which talks about luminous or electric stones
that did not require moisture.

One other correlation is in the Tesla car as in the following;

Tesla had already considered the condition of charged particles, each
representing a tightly constricted whorl of aether. The force
necessarily exerted at close distances by such aetheric constrictions
was incalculably large. Aetheric ponderance maintained particulate

Crystalline lattices were therefore places within which one could expect
to find unexpected voltages. Indeed, the high voltages inherent in
certain metallic lattices, intra-atomic field energies, are enormous.
The close Coulomb gradient between atomic centers are electrostatic
potentials reaching humanly unattainable levels.

By comparison, the voltages which Tesla once succeeded in releasing were
quite insignificant. In these balanced lattices, Tesla sought the
voltages needed to initiate directed aetheric streams in matter.

Once such a flow began, one could simply tap the stream for power.

In certain materials, these ether streams might automatically produce
the contaminating electrons, a source of energy for existing appliances.
One could theoretically then "tailor" the materials needed to produce
unexpected aetheric power with or without the attendant detrimental

Tesla did mention the latent aetheric power of charged forces, the
explosive potentials of bound Ether, and the aetheric power inherent in

....Thereafter, Tesla shifted his attentions from the appreciation of the
gigantic to an appreciation of the miniature. He sought a means for
proliferating an immense number of small and compact aether power
receivers. With one such device, Tesla succeeded in obtaining power to
drive an electric car.

Taken into a small garage, Dr. Tesla walked directly to a Pierce Arrow,
opened the hood and began making a few adjustments. In place of the
engine, there was an AC motor.

This measured a little more than 3 feet long, and a little more than 2
feet in diameter. From it trailed two very thick cables which connected
with the dashboard. In addition, there was an ordinary 12 volt storage
battery. The motor was rated at 80 horsepower.

Maximum rotor speed was stated to be 30 turns per second. A 6 foot
antenna rod was fitted into the rear section of the car.

Dr. Tesla stepped into the passenger side and began making adjustments
on a "power receiver" which had been built directly into the dashboard.

The receiver, no larger than a short-wave radio of the day, used 12
special tubes which Dr. Tesla brought with him in a boxlike case.

The device had been prefitted into the dashboard, no larger than a
short-wave receiver. Mr. Savo told Mr. Ahler that Dr. Tesla built the
receiver in his hotel room, a device 2 feet in length, nearly 1 foot
wide, a 1/2 foot high.

These curiously constructed tubes having been properly installed in
their sockets, Dr. Tesla pushed in 2 contact rods and informed Peter
that power was now available to drive.

Of the motive source he referred to "a mysterious radiation which comes
out of the aether". The small device very obviously and effectively
appropriated this energy.

Tesla also spoke very glowingly of this providence, saying of the energy
itself that "it is available in limitless quantities".

Dr. Tesla stated that although "he did not know where it came from,
mankind should be very grateful for its presence".

--            Jerry Wayne Decker  /   /  "From an Art to a Science"      Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187