Any proof for Keely?

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Mon, 05 Jul 1999 00:43:38 -0500

Hi Folks!

Received this email which I thought you might like to read;

You wrote;
> What is the closest working replica of Keely's machines you have
> seen, and who built them. Also, i would like to know if there are
> any easy at-home experiments i can try. your website is very
> interesting and i hope to hear from you.

No one is remotely close to a true Keely Machine that I know of.
However, some of his claims have been validated with other ways of
producing sonic waves...for instance;

1) he claimed to have found a frequencie(s) that would disintegrate
there is a company selling waste disposal units that uses high
intensity sound waves to shatter garbage to a fine powder

2) Keely referred to a pale blue glow in water and other
vibrated media which he calls the 'luminiferous aether'
since proved to be sonoluminescence produced by focused sound

3) acoustic levitation
since proved in a very crude manner by NASA using high density
sound waves to suspend an object between two sources, this is a
crude way using high power, where Keely used only weak vibrations

4) using sound to produce tremendous pressure
only within the last couple of years has it been discovered how
sound will self-amplify in a specially shaped chamber to produce
tremendous mechanical pressure

5) Keely reported cooling effects from sound
thermo acoustic refrigeration is now an established science and
products will soon be on the market that use the phenomenon

6) Keely demonstrated his sonic engine which used phased frequencies
to acoustically drive a motor
Tesla ripped off the idea but used rotating magnetic current in
his 'polyphase' motor without giving Keely credit

7) Keely used sonic energy to explode water on several levels to
provide thrust and incredible pressures (29,000 psi from 3 drops)
Only Dr. X has duplicated this using a self-adjusting standing
wave in water in a test tube

There are many other reports which have yet to be duplicated but few
realize or give credit to Keely who reported this in his lab. I have
been meaning to document all this with references and links to give the
man credit, but I don't want people to think I am trying to create a
'church of Keely' like the 'church of Tesla'..<g>...but the facts do

Keely claimed there were 'knots' in matter which caused disharmonies in
the flows of force and which created energy imbalances. He says when
the brain has such knots, the person suffers mental or physical problems
due to the reduction of brain control signals to the organ or muscle.

He claims these dissonances can be acoustically detected and CORRECTED
by applying appropriate phased frequencies, that you can remove the knot
by straightening it out....this results in the person being restored to
sanity OR to regaining use of the atrophied or defective muscle or
organ. Kind of an acoustic acupuncture.

The Globe motor is another device which Keely claimed was tuned to some
kind of aether influx, once started, it continue to run from a kind of
reinforcing wave train until the physical components wear out OR the
device experiences a 'reversion'....this being a phase reversal in the
incoming wavetrain....if we could duplicate it, we could add a kind of
electronic pilot valve in the form of a phase locked loop that would
self adjust to compensate and correct for these 'back emfs of the

There is much with many, many commercial possibilities but few seem to
'get it'...<g> time.....thanks for your interest.

--            Jerry Wayne Decker  /   /  "From an Art to a Science"      Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187