The Hindthorne F/E device claim

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Sun, 04 Jul 1999 22:11:02 -0500

Hi Justin and Duke et al!

The following page has no schematic or construction diagram to show the
layout of the device. Can one of you guys whip up something to show the
layout, it is very hard to get an idea of the construction based on the

This sounds like the same Hinthorn guy with the electric car that Tracy
Jones was talking about in the following;

Something like 4000-5000 miles between charges using 6 deep cycle
batteries powering some kind of motor/generator with dual 24 volt / 36
volt other details at this time.

I guess it somehow charges as it runs due to the dual windings. There
is very little drag on a generator if the power is not being used to
actually power the motor, so batteries feeding the motor and the
generator serving to recharge the batteries makes sense.

I'm not too confident with that 'Watcher' introductory story and I can't
see how iron pyrite sitting inside a coil will produce current flow in a
coil from sunlight, the quote was;

"...this ship which utilized a coil arrangement for its power."

and I am perturbed by this statement from Duke referring to thrust, not

"...the damn thing just might take off some day..."

This energy OR thrust claim, in addition to the new age watcher story is
conflicting information which hurts the claims on the page. A simple
Paint drawing of the layout would greatly assist and possibly inspire
people to look into it.

Most people these days don't have a lot of time or money to waste on
speculation or dreamed up stories, so the more detail, the better.

At this point Justin, I have to agree that the 45 gallon experiment
seems to offer the better result from expending time and materials. The
magnets are cheap and available and the weight induced instability to
keep the thing spinning has credence with anyone who has taken the time
do just do the Hamel Spinner test.

Just a matter of time and the more detail that can be provided,
preferable, pictures, drawings, detailed description and parts list, the
sooner others will be tempted to try it for themselves.

Thanks for the information you have posted on your site and good luck
with your experiments.

--            Jerry Wayne Decker  /   /  "From an Art to a Science"      Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187