Free Energy will STOP global warming

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Sun, 06 Jun 1999 00:47:33 -0500

Hi Folks!

Got this amusing letter and attached is my response;
Hey Jerry -

I see that Don has come out of the closet and admitted his membership in
the Jeremy Rifkin Cult Of Doom :-) I wonder if he is aware of his
ideological paternity?

Don Lancaster's
number eighty six
Supraluminal dowsing for Brown's Gas in Roswell.
March 1999/ Nuts & Volts Magazine

One of the big dangers of wishing for something is that you may get it.
I strongly feel that finding a source of unlimited free energy would be
one of the most heinous possible crimes against humanity. One which
would make Hitler look like Mother Teresa.

For the out-of-control binge which would certainly result would quickly
turn the planet into a cinder. Global warming would then get measured in
degrees per hour, rather than degrees per century.
I couldn't find a specific quote or section about Jeremy Rifkin and this
cult of doom attitude but I found numerous global warming sites.
excellent overall page on global warming and its effect;
hard evidence of global warming
Hi *****!

Don's comment about an earth heat death from a profusion of free energy
devices is a strange idea as he doesn't realize that most free energy
devices to date have relied on magnetics, high voltage and acoustics,
all of which produce an implosive effect in the free energy
configurations, which is what nature uses to aggregate mass and
accumulate opposed to our use of the explosive properties
of electricity. Implosion means COOLING.

Like so many say, when you are dealing with free energy and gravity
control, you have to throw all current understandings out the window as
everything changes...

The late Rory Johnson noted that magnetism attracted to itself and used
that to build a 525 HP motor...there is a webpage with his papers which
is simply excellent....I met Gerald Orlowski and his very sweet wife
June at a conference in Colorado. They are very nice people and I think
totally honest and without any hidden agendas...Gerald worked with Rory
Johnson and wanted to ensure that the work not be lost...he has that
motor and was sponsored by Zenergy to get it working...he failed and
their was a most acrimonious separation (one of two that I know of with
Zenergy). Reed says they didn't produce what they claimed within the
time they claimed they could do it, but the inventors claim Zenergy
reneged on their promises of research funds, space, machine shop,
materials and consulting where necessary....a shame how money just ruins

Gerald Orlowski's son Kevin currently has a website on the net and I
can't recall the name, something like

Anyway, just like us, I think Don just demands proof and gets fed up
with bogus claims that often are so outlandish they shoot themselves in
their own foot.

One day, everyone will realize;

1) there is 'perpetual motion'
planets and electrons ceaselessly orbit
how can we tap the force that makes this so?

2) there is 'something from nothing'
the 'nothing' is the background energy of space, aka aether/zpe
we seek to simply CONVERT or TRANSLATE that all pervasive energy
into useful forms, mechanical, magnetic, electric, heat, light.

3) there is no such thing as a 'closed system'
gravity pervades EVERYTHING
therefore energy can be added to or extracted from this so-called
closed system, thereby altering the experiment

If we change our thinking to fit the reality, not some theory or
mathematical projection, we will all the sooner discover how to extract
all the energy we could ever need.

The implosive effect associated with vortexes and free energy devices
will produce a local cooling rather than a heating, so Don just hasn't
done his homework from the fringe reports.

Specifically Sparky Sweet and his reports of bright blue electrical arcs
from his VTA (vacuum triode amplifier) that leave frost on the wires,
that if accidentally applied to the body will numb the tissue for hours.

Others report cold or cooling effects in the presence of free energy
discharges and gravity control experiments....look at the 1920's Kowsky
Frost picture and article where they have a levitating cube of quartz.

They reported the room got very cold and they are shown wearing
trenchcoats to compensate. The magazine was removed from circulation
amost immediately at the time and the revised issue made apology for
this European report as being a hoax....for those who managed to get a
copy of the magazine before it was recalled. Now why recall a hoax
article, just explain it in the next issue...much simpler....

Anyway, Don is just doing his will be totally excellent when we
finally do come up with a simple table top off the shelf version that
anyone can build, test and prove for will probably give
Don a heart attack to see it working and have to admit it in print. I
certainly don't wish that on him or anyone but they just keep digging a
deeper hole.

Of course, he would probably say we too are digging a deeper hole, but I
remind him often that we are just looking for the same thing he is, a
working device without all the bogus claims...our main difference is he
is adamant that free energy is impossible and KeelyNet and many or our
associates realize that it is only a matter of time, that it is
INEVITABLE that we will learn to tap natural forces in new and novel
ways to produce limitless (based on the circuit capabilities) power.

--            Jerry Wayne Decker  /   /  "From an Art to a Science"      Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187