Re: Standing wave 'bubbles'

Jim Shaffer, Jr. ( (no email) )
Sun, 23 May 1999 13:57:59 -0400

>I met a guy about 4 years ago at one of our roundtables who told me he
>was making gold from lead but that it would revert back to lead after a
>few months. But that he had figured out how to lock it to physical
>mass...his method was to fill a tank with water, put the samples inside
>the water, connect the terminals of a trickle charge battery charger to
>each end of the tank so that a slow DC current would flow through the
>sample for one month.

Speaking of DC current and gold, I'm curious as to whether anyone has ever tried
Phil Schneider's transmutation process? He claimed to have mixed mercury and
sulfur inside a hollow quartz geode, then to have passed a current from 4 car
batteries through the mixture for a few hours. It almost sounds plausible, if
not for the fact that Phil claimed to have personally been in a battle against
aliens in an underground base in New Mexico, and that his father autopsied the
Eldridge crew members who died and found that they were full of alien implants.

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