Standing wave 'bubbles'

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Sun, 23 May 1999 03:04:36 -0500

Hi Folks!

(this was written privately to Dan but on second thought, it might be
useful here.)

You know how we've been pondering this 'conduit/corridor' effect that
seems to occur between all resonant masses? Particularly as we've both
seen with Davids Molecular Frequency Discriminator.

Now I KNOW it isn't subjective because you and I both find the same
flipping lines even when the durned thing is turned off, of course it
had to be turned on initially to establish the path. And it was bizarre
that time David, Howard, you, me and I think Chuck were at my house to
test the water frequency...where I could find nothing and turned out you
guys had intentionally never turned the machine on...just TOLD me you
had. Once you turned it on, the test container of water soon was found
at my feet by walking with the rods.

I have been having these dreams, more like alpha, half awake kind of
things that show me something like Zielinskys' missle where he described
a 100 pound iron weight attached to one end of a missle. He said they
created a 'well' in front of the missle, just ahead of the iron weight
and that the weight 'fell' into this lower energy well.

Now that is the same thing Keely talks about with his 'creation of an
artificial neutral center'. He said the solution to perpetual motion
would have long since been attained if someone could create such an
artificial neutral center.

Dr. Dan Fry in the White Sands Incident says when he went into the alien
ship they showed him their method of propulsion and lift. One magnetic
ring that was able to focus the magnetic flux lines anywhere beneath it,
like a lense that could be tilted so that the focal point could be moved
anywhere below. An identical ring was below this one which had the same
focussing ability.

Dan Fry said the aliens told him that by superimposing these two focal
points (which I think produced a standing, scalar type bubble) they
created an ARTIFICIAL CENTER OF GRAVITY which the natural center of
gravity of the ship WOULD SEEK TO in fall towards. It does
not matter which direction it falls, sideways, up or down, it has no
choice but to follow the more powerful artificial centre.

So, two or more energy fields to create a standing wave that is resonant
to the natural neutral center of the mass. Just like the goat following
the carrot hanging from the stick.

Ok, according to Dweller the mystery chapter on 'specific speed' says
that atoms and various interactions are rotating spheres which have
axial tilt and speeds and sizes...that when they are properly collided,
the spin directions can enhance or retard them, the axial tilts act like
gearboxes (speed reducers analogous to stepup/stepdown transformers) and
that by proper understanding you could transmute anything to anything

Some of the legend/myth/spook information indicates that you can
manifest mass from aether but that, once created, if you don't LOCK THE
PATTERN, it will continue to accelerate and devolve from matter back to

I met a guy about 4 years ago at one of our roundtables who told me he
was making gold from lead but that it would revert back to lead after a
few months. But that he had figured out how to lock it to physical
mass...his method was to fill a tank with water, put the samples inside
the water, connect the terminals of a trickle charge battery charger to
each end of the tank so that a slow DC current would flow through the
sample for one month.

Now I don't recall if he said the sample had to be attached to the
sample while underwater or just to plates in the water with the metal
between (which I think is the correct way)...he said this created a
steady electric field that will slow down the vibrations on multiple
levels to make it 'remember' what it is supposed to be and keep it from
devolving back to aether.

So, what does transmutation/manifestation have to do with
lift/propulsion? Its the same thing, aether manipulation by use of
standing waves. Someone somewhere had written that the maximum
variation of a standing wave was .5 in either direction, as in plus or
minus. That translates to -180 degrees either back from 0 to suck
energy out or forward from 0 to +180 degrees to add energy.

So, the energy conduit between these virtual resonances seems to be the
way the energy is fact, it seems to be the vector
pointer that indicates the coupling or linkage between the two and would
serve as the compass indicator to show direction.

Now, by phase shifting between two mutually resonant points...I know
according to orthodoxy, its only resonant if the frequency is exact and
there is no phase shift, but I think this is the erroneous thinking that
has prevented any further progress along this line.

By phase shifting (and/or amplitude) we can make the energy flow move in
either direction.

This energy transfer can take two forms, amplitude bleeding or phase
pumping or a combination of the two.

If purely a transfer due to difference of potential where energy seeks
the background level (ambient), then if its too high, it bleeds into the
background until they are equal, if its too low, it sucks energy from
the background until they are equivalent.

The other method is by phasing where we can shift energy in a pumping
wave type action, moving it from one location to another.

Bearden's idea that a scalar (which is basically a standing wave
'bubble' in space) can be made to extract energy or receive energy from
a remote source is using the same principle.

It all goes back to wave phenomena and phasing.

Now what to do for an experiment and how. Depends on what is the purpose
of the experiment? Propulsion, weight loss, manifestation or
transmutation? Transmutation would be a way to finance the
rest..<g>..and lead is cheap.

I did get Zielinksy to admit his secret group in Germany were using high
voltage and we know that many reports of anomalous phenomena from free
energy to levitation, use high voltage, sometimes spikes, sometimes high
density concentrations.

According to Fry's account, high magnetic flux will work while Keely
used sound. So it appears its not the nature of the energy or the
medium itself but the waves that are created in that medium.

Because I am sold on the acoustic version, that will be my approach. I
had the two stones cut years ago, one a cube of 12X12" of granite, the
other 10X10" of limestone for the purpose of inducing a controlled loss
of weight but at the time lived in an apartment.

I worked at night and most people worked during the day so I was able to
do a few test runs until some of the remaining neighbors complained
about the 'weird' sounds coming from my apartment...they were that and
loud using two high powered speakers with a 100 watt amplifier.

This was my first prototype in the very early days, so I had the granite
block on a wood stand with a hair trigger switch under the stone. The
arrangement was for a complex of frequencies to be broadcast,
originating from a computer program going into a discrete circuit that
broke the fundamental down to 3,6 and 9.

The idea being that each fundamental would be played for 1 minute and if
the switch was triggered, the computer would record the frequency and
shut down the experiment for a controlled repeat at that frequency. I
had no success so I never reported it except to friends and on the BBS.

Now I am of the opinion that it might not need the nested frequencies
though Keely says it he used silver and platinum wire which he
says produced the 3rd and 9th harmonics, ignoring the 6th.

My understanding of Keely leads me to think what he indicates as 3rd is
to increase weight ('terrestrial current'), 9th is to decrease weight
(what he called 'celestial current') and 6th was the balance point
between the two where there was no gravity effect in either direction,
like a bubble sitting on a table.

Though he says silver/platina wire, (3rd/9th) the difference between the
two is the balance point (6th) between 'terrestrial' and 'celestial'.

So that means one frequency for weight decrease and I think this is UP
TO the -180 degrees (variable decrease) that provides weight loss and
repulsion from the earth. Extracting energy from the target mass.

Up to +180 degrees is for weight increase and makes mass heavier.

At one time my analogy was of Keely's 'neutral center' as similar to a
variable bathtub drain (like a camera diaphragm) where aether flows into
this drain to hold mass together.

The more aether that flowed, the heavier the mass was. By reducing the
size of the drain, the mass would lose weight, by stopping it
completely, the mass has no weight whatsoever.

The question was where does the aether GO? That lead to all the
hyperspace ideas, however, I've now come to the conclusion that the
aether doesn't 'go' anywhere, its frequencies are simply successively
slowed via the aether spectrum to precipitate or crystallize as matter.
E=MC^ or in this case M=E/C^ it works both ways, energy from mass, or
mass to energy.

The replicator on the various Star Trek shows uses this very idea, to
'materialize' anything by conversion of matter to a specific recorded

So, there could be major holes in all of this and thats fine, but this
is my evolved thinking on all this weirdness and leads me to an
experiment, perhaps it will be useful to others too.

--            Jerry Wayne Decker  /   /  "From an Art to a Science"      Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187