Dual flow UFT

Jerry Wayne Decker ( jwdatwork@yahoo.com )
Wed, 19 May 1999 19:07:09 -0700 (PDT)

Hi Folks!

I thought this was an intriguing idea describing dual
opposed flows of force as a unified field theory;


....in resolving the most divergent elements between
general relativity and quantum gravity. In view of
their respective treatments of space perhaps the most
surprising conclusion from this new model is that even
the emptiness of space would prove to be the result of
field transformations.

Because the study of Physics is by its nature a study
of dynamics, it seemed wise to take a second look at
this quality.

In classical physics the reaction between any two
entities is interpreted through acceleration as a
result of force.

There are understood to be two fundamental causes for
this reaction, attraction and repulsion. It is
difficult to articulate but I had the feeling that the
chances of both these qualities existing
simultaneously as the primal natures of energy was
probably zero.

The opinion was that if it could be correctly
concluded which was the only true force-like identity
of energy, then the opposing quality could be
explained within that context.

If asked which force would be uniquely imperative to
creating a universe, most intuitively opt for an
attracting force. After all what holds things
But when one extrapolates attraction as an only force,
the universe quickly disappears, for every particle in
that universe tends to collapse towards the same

Additionally with no repulsing force to form the
surface of solids...no objects would form. This left
one looking at a repulsing force to see if a universe
not unlike our own could be constructed from such, and
surprisingly one could.

To be convincing the model had to be capable of
duplicating gravity as we know it.

Envisioning a flat expanding matrix, which although it
is dynamic, it manifests itself as zero potential at
0º Kelvin. In order to disrupt the flatness, energy is
introduced which initiates a wave function.

Energy flows both inwards and outwards in the

If the inward flowing energy is out of phase as it
crosses at the locus, mutual cancellation occurs
producing an energy "hole" whereas outward crests
amplify forming, individually a shell, or in
combination a lattice.

It should be kept in mind that because there are no
"absolute" attracting forces, even this "hole" is
expanding with the matrix. The progression of this
wave is such that as energy transforms outwards there
is a particular wave-shell which is the convergence of
energy greater than the matrix energy (outwards) and
less than the matrix energy (inwards).
This shell interprets at our reality as "material
surface". Because "surface"* is where our sense of
reality begins, we interpret it as static with a
self-contained inward moving arrow or "mass", even
though everything is expanding.

The outward moving energy is spacelike and interprets
as spacetime or the gravitational field.

Although the perception of it as spacetime is
perfectly legitimate, the idea of it as a force
capable of initiating a gravitational singularity
would be an error within the proposed context.

Please respond to jdecker@keelynet.com
as I am writing from my work email of
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