Clem experiment

Marinus Berghuis ( )
Fri, 21 May 1999 09:21:59 +1200

At 13:48 18/05/99 -0700, you wrote:
>Hi all!
>Just an update on the Clem experiment.
Completed the cone and mounted it vertically, filled it with engine oil to
see if it worked.
Spun it at 5760 revs with a 1/4 horse motor and found that it heated up
under the suction configuration to 83 degrees centrigrade after 1 hour
Tried to increased the revs but have not enough horsepower.
Cone is floating between two bearings, cone at the bottom and a flat
bearing on the top with the ability to actually float up and down 3
When the oil is cold, it surges because the tubes 5/16th i.d. cavitate
which stops after the oil thins because of the heating.>
I will try to heat it externally to see if running on effect occurs at the
right temperature.
Bye for now