Re: Tunguska Affair

Theo Paijmans ( )
Thu, 13 May 1999 13:19:02 +0200

Hi Jerry and all,

Thanks for your reply on zokwelle. I haven't encountered the word yet, but
that doen't mean it's not there :-) As to Tunguska, - and strange
synchronicity, on another list this topic popped up. Tesla, according to
the person who provided information claimed in 1908 that:

Source is NEW YORK TIMES APRIL21, 1908 "Mr Teslas Vision"

In this article Tesla claims to be able to destroy any locality on earth
without "disturbing" any other locality.

Note this is just two months BEFORE Tungusta (June 30 1908)

I think that this is the bit of info that germinated this idea in Bearden's
book. As to this idea of Tesla; it sounds remarkably similar to Phillipow's
idea, who propagated to be able to accomplish such a feat around the turn
of the century. Phillipow (a Russian scientist) was murdered by the
Ochrana, the Zcarist secret police) There's info on Phillipow in my Keely



"Jerry W. Decker" wrote:

> Hi Folks et al!
> With regard to the new age claim of Tesla causing Tunguska, in none of
> Tesla's voluminous writings or interviews that I have ever read, does
> Tesla mention that explosion or take credit as the source.
> The idea seems to have begun about 10 years or so ago as far as I can
> tell and was a theory based on who/what was available at the time who
> might have the facilities to cause such an explosion. I believe the
> entire claim was sparked by Beardens books on collapsing a scalar
> bubble.
> However, as far as I know, there are no meteor or cometary fragments
> found, nor is there any radioactivity.
> The best explanation I have seen to date and one which makes the most
> sense to me, is that of Walter Wright who claims that celestial bodies
> tend to REPEL from each other, that when they attempt to strike
> perpendicular to the face of the planet, that they are repelled but NOT
> before creating a very large, highly compressed air pocket, much like a
> donut pressure wave of superheated air, which strikes the earth as the
> meteor is repelled.
> That is why the trees fall outward from a central point, a shock wave
> was heard and I believe felt by some and there are no physical traces.
> If you will note Tom Bearden writes that it is his belief that a scalar
> bubble can be created over or in a specific area, and manipulated in
> such a way as to induce tremendous heat or to extract all heat to
> instantly freeze that area, and from a distance. This hasn't been
> proven as far as I know and is therefore hypothetical.
> So, its a neat story but the high pressure superheated air accounts for
> the phenomena much better than the Tesla myth. Of course, I am one of
> the very few who realizes that Tesla 'lifted' many of his ideas from
> others, as did Edison and Einstein, taking full credit and experiencing
> mental aberrations in fear of being caught...<g> opinion of course
> but one day we will have all the documentation together to back it up,
> but not just Theo?...<g>..seeya!
> --
> Jerry Wayne Decker /
> / "From an Art to a Science"
> Voice : (214) 324-8741 / FAX : (214) 324-3501
> KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187
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