Re: Tunguska Affair

Wm Perry ( (no email) )
Thu, 13 May 1999 00:53:57 -1000

In the Tesla biography entitled "Tesla, Man Out of Time" by Margaret Cheney,
the author tells of a comment made by Tesla to some news reporters at his
annual birthday speech he would make. The comment had to do with some of his
more "Elaborate" inventions. He told the reporters that his system of
wireless transmission of energy had been operationally tested with limited
success "earlier in the century". The alleged comment was made in

Another interesting report about Tesla (although slightly off topic) was
that at a demonstration of some of his electrical apparatus at a seminar
given to some engineers and the such, Tesla was somehow able to make an
eerir glow emanate from the center of the stage. If memory serves correctly
enough as to be reliable, He had a fairly large-sized plate at each end of
the stage.
I thought, what if each plate is somehow used as a capacitor plate in a
resonant circuit (oscillator) and the two freqs from both plates would
heterodyne or maybe even create a harmonic in the atmosphere between the
plates where the frequency would hav ebeen high enough to fall in the
visible light spectrum?

----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 1999 10:28 PM
Subject: Re: Tunguska Affair

> Hello again folks,
> Just a few comments..............
> On Thu, 13 May 1999 00:40:00 -0500 "Jerry W. Decker"
> <> writes:
> >Hi Folks et al!
> >
> >With regard to the new age claim of Tesla causing Tunguska, in none
> >of
> >Tesla's voluminous writings or interviews that I have ever read, does
> >Tesla mention that explosion or take credit as the source. <
> If I caused that much damage and commotion,I wouldn't mention it in
> my writings or interviews.
> >If you will note Tom Bearden writes that it is his belief that a
> >scalar
> >bubble can be created over or in a specific area, and manipulated in
> >such a way as to induce tremendous heat or to extract all heat to
> >instantly freeze that area, and from a distance. This hasn't been
> >proven as far as I know and is therefore hypothetical.
> >
> >So, its a neat story but the high pressure superheated air accounts
> >for
> >the phenomena much better than the Tesla myth.<
> Ok, for all of us who haven't proven the scalar bubble concept works,
> it is hypothetical. If it does work and does induce tremendous heat and
> does it quickly enough, I presume it could result in high pressure super
> heated air.
> Folks seem to dismiss perspectives so easily when there seems to be
> not much evidence to support those perspectives and stand up to be
> compared with evidence for other perspectives. I am just trying to
> give the Tesla "thing" a fair chance since it is new to me and I am
> curious.
> Listening for more.....
> Take care all......David
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