'A' Field and EM Thrust

Jerry Wayne Decker ( jwdatwork@yahoo.com )
Mon, 10 May 1999 18:38:18 -0700 (PDT)

Hi Folks!

Meant to post this here also. The claim is by using
shaped magnetic fields that a thrust force can be
generated that HAS moved piece of paper off the coil.
You might want to check out the site at;


The following is from the freenrg list;

Got an email from Michael so checked out the
site....interesting effect, but I note the paper disc
was subject to vibration from being placed on the

"A small paper circle was placed over the center of
the small (top - focusing) coil."


1) an air pallet that floats weights on a cushion of
2) electronic vibrating table football or hockey
where the players vibrate across the surface in a kids
3) a buzzer that has a metal plate suspended over a
coil on a pin, it vibrates due to hysteresis (I

I have an intriguing file from the old BBS which I'll
send to the atgroup where the guy claims thrust from
superposed EM fields....might copy it here as its not
too large...
--- atg0317 wrote:
> From: atg0317 <atg0317@wt.net>
> To: Free Energy <freenrg-l@eskimo.com>
> Date: Sunday, May 09, 1999 10:43 AM
> Subject: 'A' Field and Thrust
> >Some additional information on the possible thrust
> from the Magnetic Vector
> >Potential and two shaping toroid coils has been
> added to our study on the
> >effect. Take a look, it is very interesting test
> which rules out the first
> >question of thermal effect of the connecting wires.
> >
> >It further tends to indicate that the hypothesis of
> Rick Andersen as far as
> >the field presence and action therefrom may be
> accurate.
> >
> Sorry I dis not include the site address in case you
> have not looked at the
> first tests. Here is the new test location.
> http://www.atgroup.org/field.htm


Please respond to jdecker@keelynet.com
as I am writing from my work email of
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