Large Capacitor Oscillators & power producers

Jerry Wayne Decker ( )
Mon, 10 May 1999 16:34:06 -0700 (PDT)

Hi Folks!

Well, dummy that I am, never realized something about
quartz and crystals in general, at least never put
them together with regard to vimanas and general use
of crystals for weirdness.

Some oscillator circuits use a small piece of quartz
as the time-keeping reference. I saw a note in the
vimana book by Childress on page 251;

"The recent resurgence in the context of the Vimaanika
Shastra, crystals, mani in Sanskrit, are apparently as
integral a part of vimanas as they are today in a

which brought this to my limited realization..<g>..and
the quartz crystals are fed with electric energy, just
as we do it...

So a large quartz crystal, stimulated with electricity
at its resonant frequency or slightly off could
generate an intense wavefront from the crystal....much
like the spider interference and saucer song

With reference to crystals in acid to generate
electrical power, on page 122;

"When the central churner revolves the other churners
also revolve. The power will enter the acid, and the
crystals in it will whirl with great speed,
intensifying the power force to the extent of 1080
linkas. That force should be collected by the
ganapa-yantra in front of the cradle, and stored in
the central storage."

Crystals rotate in electrically charged acid??? And
produce power in the process???

Please respond to
as I am writing from my work email of!
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