Well Done!!!

Nigel Howie ( (no email) )
Mon, 10 May 1999 16:49:11 +1200

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Well, thats my last comment on the matter....erase my email address,
forget you ever heard of KeelyNet or me and find your own path. I can
find much more 'cohesive' subjects, THEORIES and people to interact
with. Good luck and again, cease and desist sending me emails or you
will again realize consequences of YOUR actions, not mine. LEARN

Well done Jerry,
Nigel Howie.

" In the dark, all cats are gray"

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Well, thats my last comment on the matter....erase my email=20address,
forget you ever heard of KeelyNet or me and find your own=20path.  I can
find much more 'cohesive' subjects, THEORIES and =people to=20interact
with.  Good luck and again, cease and desist sending me =emails=20or you
will again realize consequences of YOUR actions, not =mine. =20LEARN
Well done Jerry,
Nigel Howie.

     =20"  In the dark, all cats are=20gray"