Re: Sorry for over-reacting to my paranoia - I think it was ELF or my bio-chips

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Sun, 09 May 1999 01:44:29 -0500


You wrote;
> Please detract your claims or back them up.

I make no claims, you do. When you make claims, it becomes your
responsibility to prove them. You are claiming a theory based on the
long known gravity anomalies with bismuth and known physics. It is not
my place to do your homework. Two months of you reading about
antigravity is hardly going to lead to your claims of technology.
What Gravitons?
> Gravitons do not increase or decrease in energy while they move
> through space
What Technology?
> That's it for now. It's too bad this technology was not released
> earlier. Now it may disrupt things a bit. Pray that the change is
> positive, that it frees humanity from its need to make war. Except
> as noted, I affirm all the ideas and designs herein are of my own
> invention and therefore my intellectual property. I give them freely
> to everyone without reservation.

You claim technology, WHAT TECHNOLOGY????? They are only theories based
on push gravity, ufos and an imaginary graviton.
> focusing on antigravity theory for the past two months.

Wow, what a genius, two months and in his mind, he has it all figured
out with technology!!! Praise and worship and God and peace...give me a
Known elemental properties - which you rename
> The elements that exhibit such geometries have an odd number of
> protons and an even number of neutrons. In such atoms, the protons
> are not uniformly dispersed throughout the nucleus. Instead,
> one side of the nucleus is slightly more positive than the
> other. Elements that have this unbalanced nuclear charge are called
> electro-rotational elements in this paper.

Written about in John Searls books on the Law of the Squares where
certain elements in combination produce a spin...Searl has been around
since the 50's.
NMR by any other name
> There exists several ways to accomplish this nucleic spin. Rotation
> may be initiated by electron flow, variable magnetic fields, or by
> gravitational or charge related inertial transference. Combinations
> of these methods may increase overall efficiency of a design.

NMR is well known and utilized, hardly your 'discovery' - nuclear
magnetic resonance to produce 'nucleic spin'.
Nuclear Spin and Magnetic Moments - Each nucleus in a molecule has an
inherent spin which in turn leads to a magnetic moment.
Nuclei with an odd number of protons, neutrons, or both, will have an
instrinsic nuclear spin.

You say you want criticism first rather than impudence
that you would EXPECT praise first.
Confusion between two issues - bismuth OR push gravity
I stated my opinion and I stand by it at this point. It related to
Bismuth, not push gravity. You come out of nowhere, read about the
repellent force for two months, quote Walter Wright (a personal long
time friend) and intermix gravity theory and bismuth effects....two
different effects completely. Then refer to effects long known to
physics, implying by omission that they are your 'ideas' which comprise
your 'theories'.

I never mentioned anything about your absorption of the push gravity
theory into your own, most of the people I know have long been of that
opinion, including myself...long before you ever popped up.
About Your discussion list
I couldn't care less about your signed on here, no one
twisted your arm. And your purpose was purely self-promotion. When you
got called on it, you whine about the results of your own actions.
Posted and agreed to - Guidelines
The guidelines for the interact list are clear. You are not the first,
nor will you be the last to try to use it for your own agenda, i.e. self
Why would I be required to read your discussion list or buy your theory?
I do not read your discussion list as the theory, which is precisely
what it is at this point, doesn't interest me.
Money, ownership and business
In your own words you indicate you are unemployed and seeking employment
to work on your theories. If you work for an employer on such theories,
they OWN whatever you come up matter your justification,
someone else will own the fruits and be in a position to decide how to
use it, sell it or suppress it. Therefore, you are in it for the money.
Plagiarism and your claim of original concepts
You deny plagiarism on the bismuth deflection?

...From your main page;
"Thinking on this further, it seems possible that in a charged Bismuth
capacitor, nucleic electro-rotation and magneto-rotation could be
initiated and reinforced at the same time using magnetic fields."

"But this design is hypothetical. Because Bismuth is not very conductive
in its natural state, to initiate rotation it might be necessary to
provide an adjacent highly conductive layer on each side of the Bismuth
film (Art Bell's Roswell Debris:,
and personal communication with Steve Wingate). With this design,
charge still races across the Bismuth surface speeding and aligning
nucleic rotation. Using another electro-rotational element such as
Magnesium for this conductive layer would increase efficiency greatly as
both rotating layers would be deflecting gravitons. Multiple Bismuth and
Magnesium layers may be sandwiched on top of one another for greater
effect. "
No technology, pure theory
Your theories are just that, your ideas reporting on others claims,
themselves highly suspect since none quote the experimental protocols
and results from any source showing a reproducible effect.
Others reporting Bismuth repellent gravity properties
Townsend Brown also mentions Bismuth as do Albert Roy Davis and Walter
Rawls as having gravity deflection properties. (gravitons is YOUR term)
Your email alternates between apology, castigation, demands and
requests. I find this as further indication that you have other agendas
than those posted.

My preference at this point is for you to simply forget my email
address. Remember, you contacted me, I did not contact you. You screwed
up and experienced the result, now you are blaming me. Yet another
indication of something wrong here.

I don't have the time or patience to assist you or analyze your have no technology, designs or intellectual property,
therefore you have nothing to 'give' except a theory, yet you state;

"It's too bad this technology was not released earlier. Now it may
disrupt things a bit. Pray that the change is positive, that it frees
humanity from its need to make war. Except as noted, I affirm all the
ideas and designs herein are of my own invention and therefore my
intellectual property. I give them freely to everyone without

Rather presumptuous all in all...two months of reading and your
'technology' will 'free humanity from war'.....amazing what this stuff
does to some people...and that others would follow???

Well, thats my last comment on the matter....erase my email address,
forget you ever heard of KeelyNet or me and find your own path. I can
find much more 'cohesive' subjects, THEORIES and people to interact
with. Good luck and again, cease and desist sending me emails or you
will again realize consequences of YOUR actions, not mine. LEARN
...First notice of no further spams to my email
So, I record this as my first request of you to not spam my email
address or KeelyNet in any form. You will hear nothing from me except
if you persist in sending unwelcome emails to my a point,
I will contact your ISP and register a formal complaint of harassment
and let them deal with you.

Its your theory, its your claims. We shall see what happens over the
next year.

You wrote;
Mr. Decker (and everyone else),

I honestly thought that for some reason I was being censored unjustly.
That's the reson that I made the stupid post that I did. Please forgive
me for my mistake and lack of investigation as to the cause of my
removal from your list. I jumped to conclusions which was very rash and
very wrong.

You, however, also accuse me unjustly of plagarism and money grubbing.
I have made numerous posts in diferent places to increase awareness of
my theories because they warrant it, but I do not have a desire to
profit from them, other than accepting a legitimate job in the field.

My design explainations for known shapes and my design for the spirally
wound generator ARE unique on the web, as far as I know and I challenge
you to demonstrate that they are not. I also challenge you to prove
your accusations of plagarism.

How dare you say that without proof? The link you provided doesn't even
touch on my theory or its application in design. It's true that the
element Bismuth is known in the antigravity field, but certainly
gravitonic deflection theory is not.

Also some charge that I am not interested in discussion. That is
absolutely false. I spend 4-5 hours every day answering e-mail and
reponding to posts on my discussion board -- which you must have missed.

It is absurd to say that I am trying to sell my ideas and designs. I
have stated time and time again that they belong to everyone. I did not
"parrot" anything from Art Bell. Nowhere on his site did I see any
explanation of the theory behind his parts... did you?

If an explaination had already been offered, why then did Linda Moulton
Howe contact me asking for an explanation of their action? She couldn't
find any referrences... and she has searched since 1996. Perhaps you
haven't actually looked at my theories? It doesn't seem that you have.
Regardless, back up your claims.

Thanks for the patent info on the Bismuth filaments. I had been looking
for that for a while and didn't expect to find in today. The anonalous
superconductivity demonstrated is also explained in my paper if you'd
care to actually read it.

Perhaps you could point me towards more proper methods of releasing my
theory quickly. I'm new to this, and I will listen.

Again, I'm sorry for jumping to conclusions about conspiracy
possibilities. I shouldn't have and I'll certainly try to control my
paranoia again. Maybe I should wear an aluminum hat to keep the ELF out
and to prevent alkaline contrails from recharging my bio-chips. :)

Please detract your claims or back them up.

Joshua Gulick

--            Jerry Wayne Decker  /   /  "From an Art to a Science"      Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187