Sorry for over-reacting to my paranoia - I think it was ELF or my bio-chips
Sun, 9 May 1999 01:20:12 -0400 (EDT)

Mr. Decker (and everyone else),

I honestly thought that for some reason I was being censored unjustly. That's the reson that I made the stupid post that I did. Please forgive me for my mistake and lack of investigation as to the cause of my removal from your list. I jumped to conclusions which was very rash and very wrong.

You, however, also accuse me unjustly of plagarism and money grubbing. I have made numerous posts in diferent places to increase awareness of my theories because they warrant it, but I do not have a desire to profit from them, other than accepting a legitimate job in the field. My design explainations for known shapes and my design for the spirally wound generator ARE unique on the web, as far as I know and I challenge you to demonstrate that they are not. I also challenge you to prove your accusations of plagarism. How dare you say that without proof? The link you provided doesn't even touch on my theory or its application in design. It's true that the element Bismuth is known in the antigravity field, but certainly gravitonic deflection theory is not.

Also some charge that I am not interested in discussion. That is absolutely false. I spend 4-5 hours every day answering e-mail and reponding to posts on my discussion board -- which you must have missed.

It is absurd to say that I am trying to sell my ideas and designs. I have stated time and time again that they belong to everyone. I did not "parrot" anything from Art Bell. Nowhere on his site did I see any explanation of the theory behind his parts... did you? If an explaination had already been offered, why then did Linda Moulton Howe contact me asking for an explanation of their action? She couldn't find any referrences... and she has searched since 1996. Perhaps you haven't actually looked at my theories? It doesn't seem that you have. Regardless, back up your claims.

Thanks for the patent info on the Bismuth filaments. I had been looking for that for a while and didn't expect to find in today. The anonalous superconductivity demonstrated is also explained in my paper if you'd care to actually read it.

Perhaps you could point me towards more proper methods of releasing my theory quickly. I'm new to this, and I will listen.

Again, I'm sorry for jumping to conclusions about conspiracy possibilities. I shouldn't have and I'll certainly try to control my paranoia again. Maybe I should wear an aluminum hat to keep the ELF out and to prevent alkaline contrails from recharging my bio-chips. :)

Please detract your claims or back them up.


Joshua Gulick

---- you wrote:
> Joshua;
> Unclench, change your diaper and let's do a reality check (that means
> determine what is real as opposed to your fantasies and lack of
> responsibility) as to spam and scam...based on the following.
> You spammed the following text to a couple of lists, even the interact
> list which you unsubscribed to by your own actions;
> > Subject: I was removed from Keelynet list for posting my theory?
> > Date: Sat, 8 May 1999 20:42:46 -0400 (EDT)
> > From:
> >
> > Something is really wrong here. I sent my theory through the
> > listserver at keely, and about an hour later, I was removed from the
> > list! Does it seem logical that Decker is part of the conspiracy?
> >
> > Thanks to iufo for not over-reacting to the truth :)
> > Peace,
> > Joshua
> > (All of Babylon's schemes will be laid bare)
> Logic? Conspiracy? Babylon? The TRUTH?
> 1) You signed onto the KeelyNet discussion list SOLELY to promote
> your website. I expected it because I had done a check on you
> and found your spams in many, many newsgroups, often in newsgroups
> having NO BEARING on any of your CLAIMS and with no discussion or
> dialogues, simply spamming to draw attention and for
> SELF-PROMOTION as one of the self proclaimed newest
> savior/geniuses who crawled out of the woodwork looking for easy
> money
> 2) You pop up out of nowhere and immediately have the 'answers' to
> many esoteric doubt you will be a hit with the UFO
> and new age crowds but I don't see you around in a year, time
> will tell.
> 3) You have never engaged or evoked any discussion on the
> KeelyNet list regarding anything on the topics listed in the
> guidelines, not even 'your own' subject. Much of it plagiarized
> by the way as from
> on Magnesium/Bismuth Layering & Electrogravity as transcribed
> from the Art Bell show OR the Bourgoin patent mentioned below
> 4) The URL and description of your website had already been
> mentioned on the KeelyNet list, by you and elicited no responses
> which apparently didn't get you the job offers you wanted, so
> what do you do? You post a huge document and the encoding to
> cram into everyones mailbox...hey, if they won't read the URL,
> just force it into their mailboxes....though some of us have
> limits on the size of files that are accepted by spammers such
> as you
> 5) You posted a huge document with encoding that I had to manually
> edit and cleanup for the archives but I can't do anything about
> all that mess being crammed into peoples mailboxes.
> So, your sole purpose is to promote yourself and your website, not the
> information thereon. You never had any interest in discussion
> apparently in hopes of suckering people in to support you financially.
> In your own words you clearly say you have only ideas and are seeking
> money;
> > As I am currently a very unemployed theoretician, any employment
> > offers or other proposals (further joint research, maybe?) may be
> > sent to the same address(es).
> > ...snip...
> > ...I presently offer my ideas, designs, and theories, indeed my
> > antigravitational technology, and MY ABILITY TO PROFIT FROM IT - to
> > every individual, government, and corporate entity.
> In other words, you and your unproven 'technology' are for sale, make me
> an offer.
> > from
> > I would welcome a job consulting in the further development and
> > testing of this technology.
> Yep, sell out purely for money and IF this plagiarized information
> worked, your employer would own the rights....good scam, you make out
> like a bandit, the 'technology' won't see the light of day. And the
> more exposure you get by self-promotion, the greater your
> chances...would you like some phone numbers for the DOD, CIA, NSA, oil
> and aerospace companies to increase your chances of sealing it up for
> money?? Well good luck...but I certainly wouldn't fund you.
> Joshua, your response and hysterical appellation of being 'suppressed'
> brings up major red flags to my view that question the validity of your
> claims and your integrity which I will now re-examine.
> And the God touch will resonate with the born've been
> studying Dennis Lee I see.....god, murica/patriotism, apple pie,
> suppression and conspiracy holding you back....that 'holding back' is
> more likely due to the bars on your crib and if you keep at it in this
> vein, like Dennis it will be the bars of your jail cell...geez, if he
> can do it, you can too.
> I recall from the first exposure to your site a claim of an experiment
> indicating you were involved in it, there being no independent sources
> listed except for this 'Bismuth Institute'. That experiment claimed
> electrogravity which you know full well you simply parroted from Art
> Bell and had NOTHING to do with it, if it ever happened.
> Ah, now I get it, that's the Al Bielek trick...I saw the Philadelphia
> Experiment movie and wow, now I remember, I WAS THERE and lived to tell
> about it, now I make my living as an expert and LIVE WITNESS, who'da
> thunk it....hey, nice you can claim to have been anywhere
> and involved in anything remotely are awfully good as a
> burgeoning scamster...maybe you can include radioactivity in there
> somewhere and Roswell and abductions....the field is wide open...
> The Bismuth filament superconductor patent is posted at;
> Bismuth filaments were patented as a room temperature superconductor by
> Bourgoin, long before you were born and I have little confidence in your
> so-called report about a bismuth ribbon, zapped with electricity
> knocking a hole in the ceiling when it has LONG been available to any
> who wish to read it or hear about it on the Art Bell show.
> Haven't figured out your angle just yet, but you obviously have
> something underhanded going on with the peace, babylon, suppression and
> other simplistic and paranoid statements.
> But you did get one thing right, no doubt by pure accident since you
> wouldn't know TRUTH if it fell on your head, I AM PART OF A
> that is dedicated to ferreting out TRUE alternative
> technology and theories, not the bogus representations claiming inside
> knowledge and looking for financiers for commercial development and
> personal gain.....yep, I never thought of it...but there are many of us
> in that conspiracy and the light from our activities dissolves your
> shadow activities.
> So, why did you remove yourself from the KeelyNet list?...the guidelines
> are intended to be read and complied with by EVERYONE who signs on at;
> You apparently don't care about anything but your own personal
> aggrandizement and exposure, seeking to make a profit and fade away.
> Well, bubba you slipped on your own drool. Here are the guidelines that
> you used to expose yourself;
> A PRIVATE list means the moderator has to authorize each subscription
> before they are actually added to the list. This helps to keep out
> people who are trying to get on primarily for mischief, flames, to
> promote their own agenda...etc...
> People who subscribe for the sole purpose of promoting their own agenda
> or for intentional infractions of the list guidelines will be removed
> from the list.
> Do not use styled text (HTML coded text) in email to the list. All
> messages posted should be in simple ASCII text format. Do not send
> attachments to the list.
> ----------------
> So, you caught me...yep, KeelyNet is one big conspiracy network and I am
> the Chief, telephone in my shoe, looking out for Chaos (even says it on
> the loader page - Order out of Chaos) many hints do some people
> need?...your response is funny, its sad, its telling and you just blew
> your cover and mine...who will be here 5 years and more from now?? We
> shall see.
> --
> Jerry Wayne Decker /
> / "From an Art to a Science"
> Voice : (214) 324-8741 / FAX : (214) 324-3501
> KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187

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