Re: Taming Maxwell's Demon

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Sun, 09 May 1999 02:08:56 -0500

Hi Ren!

Well, I can't swear the Clem drawing is the TRUE thing...I drew it on a
napkin under the direction of the guy (Albert Holman) who had talked
with the truck driver who knew there could well be NO HEAT
PUMP....I always take such anecdotal information as a rough guide that
has potential (no pun intended) for error.

Oh, and the cone is probably VERTICAL with the point upward thereby
adding GRAVITY over the large surface area.

What if there was no heat exchanger in the circuit....

1) we have compression to produce heat on the input,
2) we have expansion to cool the oil as it exits the nozzles,
3) we have the vortex action in the spirals,
4) we have gravity with a vertical cone,
5) we have centrifugal force,
6) probable shape change in the oil molecule
7) we have reduced viscosity....

talk about additive, harmonic principles...its simply beautiful...<g>...

That is why I want to build the Clem as a first serious project....

As to the vimana...yes, I can see how that teardrop shape could be know, Dan Davidson reported on Schaubergers
'Zokwendle'..I've never found the meaning of Zok but wendle means
'coil' was a self running machine that produced power from a
generator driven by vortex flow of water.

I think all these little pieces are quite fascinating and indicate that
a combination of them could make a device which would rely on additive
effects, miniscule though they may be ALONE, in concert, the effect
could become appreciable.

--            Jerry Wayne Decker  /   /  "From an Art to a Science"      Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187