Experience with odd effects.

Marinus Berghuis ( renkahu@ihug.co.nz )
Sun, 27 Dec 1998 12:11:47 +1300

To the 277 members on the keely net.

I have joined not very long ago and am finding the down to earth comments
from members very constructive and thought to inform you of some very
interesting effects observed when things go wrong with radio equipment
suggesting that somewhere, somehow this could be used.
To keep things short, will list them.
1 1946 While repairing a faulty iron, shorted a wire.
Fuses in line to transformer station were
in my room 2 amp O.K.
Meterboard 6 amp. O.K.
25 amp into house blown.
Transformer house for area blew. and blacked out the neighbourhood.
was traced to me and had to pay for damage.
2 1948 Repairing an american transformerless radio and placed screwdriver
momentarily across R.F. coil. Radio almost exploded resulted in every
flashing inside and burning out.
3 1955 While mucking about with a transmitter on the amateur band, melted
whole R.F. section into nothing.
4 1958 While repairing a philips radio with a faulty r.f. section, found
10000 volt was standing on the arial coil which should have been impossible
as it was still grounded to earth and open circuited.
These are the most spectacular experiences suggesting that under certain
odd conditions,impossible voltages or currents can be generated which
brings me to the 1920 to 1930 years when most patents were taken out for
free power generation by means of resonance.
Your files mention Chancey Brittain where Norm stated that this should work
in a straight line and to try it out.
I have thought about this and know a bit about pipe bending etc. and have
you any idea how difficult it is to bend a 2" copper pipe filled with wire,
coil, insulation and keep the inner contents aligned? Once it is bent,
there is no going back. So he must have bent it to create the effect!
Again I have to mention Bruce Cathie and his theories. He claims that it is
the intertwining of magnetic fields at certain angles that give rise to
time delation and the creation of electron activity and hence matter.
When I look at the overunity circuits on the net, if they rely on making
use of the normally suppressed negative spike, somehow my mind says that
the best we can expect is a double up of output. Not enough to warrant time
and expense on.
I also notice that all experiments are done in miniature so to speak, no
doubt to prove a theory but rather useless as the establishment needs to be
shaken to it's roots to take notice.
The doyen of all experimenters Tesla never thought small. He knew that to
do the thing with a notable effect, you had to go all the way and show
without a doubt what the effects were and proved to be usable.
Today we have the benefit of better steel, better insulation material,
better bearings, more concentrated permanent magnets, making it possible to
reduce the size of generators for instance but if we want to go for the
exploitation of static electricity in abundent supply, we have to go big
again (Testika generator).
A 50 foot 4 " A.P.I. line pipe (non galvanised) standing up and insulated
from ground produces a regular spark jumping a 10 mm gap every second in
very slight wind. In high humidity conditions, the number of sparks
increases to a continuous stream of fire in thundery weather.My T.V. Arial
does the same thing but has an amplifyer up the mast.
If we look at prehistory and their use of free power, they built
pyramids,stonehenge, looked at the earth magnetic field and build energy
points based on the gathering of static charges and the manipulation of the
4th dimension aspects of matter which are not measurable with our
instruments but can be perceived by the mind because we exist in a dual
state where only the positive side is used by all but for a choosen few
that cannot be bothered, because while living in both continuums, banaal
everyday existance is not interesting enough.
I mention the surviving monuments but new ones are found all over the
world, so they had a system NOT relying on wires but more on mindpower
which could be tuned to produce things like atom bombs, flying
machine,(Vimana and others)but also made possible the manipulation of the
weather,growth of crops,regulated fertility and who knows what else!Some of
Keely's inventions did rely on his mind and therefor non repeatable. It is
a well known phenomina that impossible chemical combinations, once achieved
by one person somehow becomes repeatable right across the world like one
sparrow making a discovery and every sparrow all over the world uses it
almost instantaneously.
The group consciousness or Gaia looks to be one gigantic brain of which we
are but one cell and the internet is the lazy man's way of communication.
I have been working in the drilling industry for 20 years and the artifacts
we dug up out of coalseams and mudstone is unbelievable and always looked
at as freaks of nature but in your heart of hearts you know different.
I think it is in California where there are people that control frost in
orange groves with wires not showing to do anything but able to protect
living tissue because it increases the vibrationary rates giving rise to
internal warmth.
Somewhere in Scotland there is a community growing food on impossible
ground by the effects of thoughtpower i.e. e.m.f. frequencies generated by
the wish or will of people.
The Cole patent is a unit controlling the effects of magnetic fields at
precicely controlled angles and for what it is worth, if we are looking for
a free ride there are two possibilities, one create rotating vortexes by
the careful manipulation of magnetic lines of force in permanent magnets
brought into a configuration where the lines will speed up beyond the speed
of light where the opposite of matter is found to give added impetus to
whatever we may use to create mechanical force, or free the flow of
electrons to be used for present electrical gadgetry.

No doubt some of this can be achieved also by the manipulation of chemicals
but if you realise that this also means the careful placement of known
of angular velocities impinging on each other, all this does is really
to the same thing, INCREASE the vibration to expand the electron orbit to
form different elements or increase the energy throwing the electron orbit
into an elipse and therefor going into the 4th dimension to pick up
additional energy
(Joe phenomenon ?)

Perhaps you know all this garbage but wanted to get this off my mind. I
have been inventing all sorts in my lifetime and never made a cent from it
but the ideas are used today. We MUST concentrate on that aspect of energy
generation which makes use of radiation patterns already present but
manipulated in a way
where it does not poison our environment. By the way WHAT IS (DOR)
mentioned as a dangerous side effect of Joe's pheomenon.

I do not expect and answer but hope to be productive in the new year in
Cheerio and if I have wasted your valuable time, I am NOT SORRY and will
send some money to help Jerry keeping us ticking.

Hear Me chuckle ??

ren berghuis