Re: Gravity as a Convection Current??

Bill Wallace ( (no email) )
Sun, 11 Oct 1998 10:16:33 -0400

>Gravity is obviously nothing more than a form of convection primarily
>in the solid state --it is an open ended flow of energy toward the
>"source of gravity" based primarily on density which removes "space"
>from a collection of particles and ultimately leads to particles
>occupying each other's space. (this is the farthest range for
>dimensional expansion and tends to cast off huge excess electrons from
>nuclear material) the interface between earth's interior layers to the
>core are each characterized by large quantites of "free" electrons at
>the interface lines--its also true in the upper atmospheres.
>Well start looking at what you really can observe. Look at a candle
>burning at zero gravity.

Can you provide any animations? I cannot find a video to observe this