Gravity as a Convection Current??

Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Sun, 11 Oct 1998 03:01:56 -0500

Hi Folks!

Here is an intriguing theory, gravity as a convection current;
Ever wonder what causes a storm surge? a suction cup effect as per a
vacuum effect? Seems more likely than the wind blows it. Well there is
more to it including a concept of dimensional expansion that throws wave
theory doppler effect into doubt. well hard to explain---goto:

Gravity is obviously nothing more than a form of convection primarily
in the solid state --it is an open ended flow of energy toward the
"source of gravity" based primarily on density which removes "space"
from a collection of particles and ultimately leads to particles
occupying each other's space. (this is the farthest range for
dimensional expansion and tends to cast off huge excess electrons from
nuclear material) the interface between earth's interior layers to the
core are each characterized by large quantites of "free" electrons at
the interface lines--its also true in the upper atmospheres.

It seems too simple for gravity to be simple convection?

Well start looking at what you really can observe. Look at a candle
burning at zero gravity. but one more thing makes the difference is to
note that there are two major subsets of types of energy = E and M
--radient/thermal energy and more importantly MASS.

Mass is the major component interms of total potential energy value. E
is comparitively negligible. It is clear that cosmic rays can add
considerably more E value to any system than any form of radiation
without the mass.

The interesting thing is it becomes clear that the sun probably absorbs
more energy on a moment to moment basis than it diseminates in E. IT
is also clear that most of the solar wind orbits in bands--recycled.

The last clue is the planar nature of the solar system and gallexies
like andromeda.....the zero gravity candle explains this. it is
convection gravity is HOT...... Believe it or else you will never
achieve so called antigravity--which is by necessity explosive in

--            Jerry Wayne Decker  /   /  "From an Art to a Science"      Voice : (214) 324-8741   /   FAX :  (214) 324-3501   KeelyNet - PO BOX 870716 - Mesquite - Republic of Texas - 75187