Re: Extracting electrical energy from Gyroscopic action

Bill Wallace ( (no email) )
Sun, 11 Oct 1998 10:08:28 -0400

>At a workshop a couple of years ago, Newman made the comment that he had
>told the Navy if they made a long coil winding that would extend from
>the front of a ship to the rear, it would take only a couple of small
>transistor sized batteries to run it.

How about if you did this to your house? Wrapped it in a few long coil

>He also said narrow, wide motor coil windings can't take advantage of
>his energy discovery but long coil windings, as on a horizontal axis
>where the coils cover a wide area, do produce the effects he reports in
>his massive coil windings.

Would the size of an average house be enough?

>Interestingly enough, he also showed a picture of a model flying machine
>which he said could lift tons. It required a very large surface area

How large?

>The discrete gyroscopic action of each atom of each molecule could be
>made to constructively interfere with the flow of gravity/aether as it
>passed through the widely surfaced coil wire windings.

Remember though, atoms have charged particles, negative, positive, and then
those neutral ones(g).

>It is probable that as energy is added to the outside shells which
>collapse to release that energy, that photons would be emitted, though
>in our case, we would want just the electrons, kind of a pumped system.

Hydrogen has a significant magnetic moment. One spinning charged particle
(proton), makes it a little bar magnet. How would you collapse its outside

>Using Keely principles you could induce harmony in the mass aggregate
>structure to create a low level Bose Einstein Condensate effect. Keely
>referred to this as 'graduation', that is making all the atoms in the
>mass rotate in harmony which would reduce the resistance and impedance

>of the mass to energy flows.

The Larmor Equation tells us that the precessional frequency is equal to the
strength of the external static magnetic field (B0) multiplied by the
gyromagnetic ratio (g). Increasing B0 will increase the precessional frequen
cy and conversely, decreasing B0 will decrease the precessional frequency.
This is analogous to a spinning top. It will precess due to the force of
gravity. If the gravity were to be decreased (as it is on the moon), then
the top would precess slower.

spins are in either the high or low energy state, a condition is reached
known as thermal equilibrium. It should be noted that at equilibrium, the
individual spins creating the net magnetization do not precess in phase.
This is because of slight differences in precessional frequencies caused by,
among other things, magnetic field inhomogenities and differences in small
local magnetic fields generated within each particular molecule. As a
result, the net magnetization is aligned parallel with B0 but does not

A radiowave is actually an oscillating electromagnetic field. The RF field
is also referred to as the B1 field. It is oriented perpendicular to the
main magnetic field (B0). If we apply a pulse of RF energy into the tissue
at the Larmor frequency, we first find the individual spins begin to precess
in phase, as will the net magnetization vector. As the RF pulse continues,
some of the spins in the lower energy state absorb energy from the RF field
and make a transition into the higher energy state. This has the effect of
"tipping" the net magnetization toward the transverse plane. For the purpose
of this explanation, we will assume sufficient energy is applied to produce
a 90 degree flip of the net magnetization. In such an example, it is said
that a 90 degree flip angle, or a 90 degree pulse has been applied

A question I have, applying this larmor frequency increases phase harmony in
opposition to the field, like a big diamagnetic effect, wonder what happens
if we use already high diamagnetic materials?

>Reason number two is the experiments with falling bodies where it was
>found that a mass rotating in a CCW direction would fall SLOWER (weight
>loss) than a mass rotating in a CW direction. Here is a report of the
>Japanese test;

Again this gets back to how does gravity or magnetism really work, is there
a vortex action? If so opposite spin would make sense. What would happen
if two black holes or two stars spinning cw and ccw intersected?

>This indicates a definite interaction with rotating masses, such as
>gyroscopes. Another interesting phenomenon is the induction of
>so-called 'matter current's as in the quote;

Are the gyroscopes charged however?