electroporation, Cancer Treatment, Device Description

Terry Bastian ( tbastian@dmv.com )
Tue, 06 Oct 1998 23:27:39 -0400

<fontfamily><param>Times New Roman</param><bigger>electrogenic pump:

Ion pump that generates net charge flow as a result of its activity.

The sodium potassium exchange pump transports two potassium ions inward

across the cell membrane for each three sodiums transported outward.

produces a net outward current that contributes to the internal

of the cell.


Method for temporarily permeabilising cell membranes so as to

facilitate the entry of large or hydrophilic molecules as in

A brief (ca 1 msec) electric pulse is given with potential gradients of

about 700 V/cm. The use of an electrical pulse to enable cells to take

DNA .=20

As an example, to a first approximation the applied electric field needed
to impress one volt accross a cell must be:=20

Paramecium 180 =B5m 55 v/cm=09

Mammalian Cell 50 =B5m 200 v/cm=09

Red Blood Cell 7 =B5m 1430 v/cm=09

Bacterial Cell 1 =B5m 10,000 v/cm=09

</bigger></fontfamily><fontfamily><param>Times New=

</bigger>Tutorial on electroportation


Cancer Treatment system...


"aura curing device"


Device Description:

Cycles a positive or negative PURE DC voltage to eeman type screens
applied to the body. 15 minutes one polarity then 15 minutes the other
for a minimum of a 45 minute treatment session. A positive polarity cause
the cells in the treatment area to express its toxins to be filtered out
of the body naturally. The negative polarity cause the cells to absorb
fresh fluid. The process is like cleaning out a sponge and filling it
with clean water. This is to allow the bodies cells to work most
efficently and to promote self healing. The bodies reaction is an
increased urine output with a darker than normal color, showing the
toxins being flushed out. The screens are charged by D cell batteries
(how many??) with a replacement rate of 1 year (shelf life of the
batteries) due to the fact that the batteries just supply charge not
current. A seperate power supply runs the polarity relay switching
system being AC or DC but mst be seperate from the screen batteries. The
screen pad dimentions are: 10"x24", 15"x24" (Back and Stomach pads),
8"x12" (Spot pad), 10"x24" (Arm pad), 15"x24" (Leg pad), 8"x8"x8" (Head
pad)(4 sides of a cube covered), the hookup wire is 10 foot of 14 guage
insulated wire. The battery/relay box measures 8"x8"x4". Patent
application 1998 # 09-109-397.

Terry B
