Re: year 2000

Ken Carrigan ( (no email) )
Sun, 27 Sep 1998 14:31:11 -0400

Now.. how does this topic relate to Keelnet list in anyway
shape or form? Agreed that it is a problem and BIG one
at that....

So.. I guess this is fair game here.. my two cents..

75% of the major programs (financial) where programed
in Cobol where the code only allowed 8 bit year fields..or
ascii.. two digits. This is the major problem... reading the
compiled Cobal program and decifering it.. or decompling
as they say. Then rewriting and compiling the code.. doing
all this while the system is in use. Now.. how many people
now currently know or use for that matter.. Cobal! Id you
do know it.. and can decompile/compile.. and write in it...
then you can have a job most anywhere for $100,000/yr!

The major problem will steam from dynamic searches and
not static events. Things like VCR's who cares, TV's, uW
ovens, clocks, etc etc. It is the "look back" function that
creates the whole problem. Stock market... should be ok,
but when financial people search back to get data.. that
maybe wrong. So... if you think the stock market runs on
just computers... yes,, it could be a problem... However...
my thinking goes this way.... "If you can predict with
certanty that something will occur... you will NOT make
money off it.. it is the odds that pay well...ex: 1:100 where
the 1 pays off at 100." If you can predict that the stock market
will crash... seems like you could make money off it. So if
everyone knows this.. don;t you think the odds are against
it ever happening? The odds games!

Just my two cents, however, I could be wrong...
v/r Ken Carrigan