Re: running a car on 'eather'

Steve ( )
Wed, 09 Sep 1998 18:11:38 -0400

To Norm,

If you would please, bring me up to speed, and clarify a few things forme.

1) What is Orgone?
2) Is it your belief, that photons, are just electrons, in an 'unexcitedstate' ? I had never heard
     that expoused as a theory.
3) If this 'eatherial' energy flows through the engine block; what then,is the 'physical
     mechanism', which causes the pistons to stillreact in a manner, which mimics an
     explosion of hydrocarbon rich fuel? Especiallyif there is no 'heat' being conducted
4) Is the atmosphere in the cylinders, undergoing a pressure change ofsome sort, as a
     result of this energy transfer? Or, is theresome sort of 'cyclical harmonics' at the core of
     this phenomenon, which causes the engine to turnover? And, if so, HOW?
5) By what standards, and devices (if any) can this "energy" bemeasured? Is it 'causing'
     electrical activity anywhere? I get theimpression, that it would have to be, if this 'device'
     is self sustaining, and that the dissolution,and reconstitution of the water is in a
     closed system!
6)  Or, is that electricity, coming from the car battery, which isbeing replenished by the
      alternator? If that is NOT the case, thenfrom whence comes that extra electricity?
7)  It seems to me that, since the other electrical demands, thatthe spark plugs, and various
      operational devices are still putting onthe electrical system; then that system itself, is in
      need of a boost somewhere along the line,to handle the extra demand, Is it not? (This
      may be a stupid question, if theelectrical demands of Joe's device, are not that
      extensive, But, I get the generalimpression, that it must have pretty hefty energy
      consumption demands of it's own, and thoseare set up to be run by electricity, initially at
      least. Is that electrical demand, thenmet, and superseeded by the 'eatheral energy'

Stephen Brummitt
At 03:53 PM 9/9/98 -0500, you wrote:
Ken: You are absolutely right in yourobservation.=A0 Joel and I took Tom Bearden's
advice about thinking backwards when dealing with Aetheric energy.=A0 Thevery
best organic dielectrics provide the best conductors for aethericenergy.=A0 This
we learned from comments made by our dearly departed friend, LES BROWN
who said a silk cord was an excellent conductor of pyramid energy.=A0 Itseams
that plain hot rolled steel or steel wool is the best layering materialfor orgone
accumulators with natural organic layers of wool, silk, wood fiber, corketc. as the
attraction material.=A0 Orgone energy or aetheric energy (soft electrons inJoseph
Caters book) has a hugh affinity for water.=A0 This is the reason polarizedor charged
water is used as an accumulator in the MarkI thru MarkIII device.=A0=A0 Readup on
the Cloud Busters and how they are connected to a running water supplysuch as
a moving stream via a flex steel conduit.=A0 Soft electrons are theprecursors to hard electrons that posses a negative charge.=A0 I think ofsoft electrons as the transition state
between photons and hard electrons.=A0 They are chargeless and come fromthe Aetheric
background.=A0 The 1.5 V charge placed across the MarkIII cell probablyestablishes
an aetheric flow into the water and only needs to be present to get theprocess started.
What do you think about this explanation?????????=A0=A0 Norm

Ken Carrigan wrote:
=A0Seems to me.. that anyonespending the time and $$ to manufactor theseMARK I, II=A0 or III devicesmust have some idea that it works.=A0 I could notimagine someone developingthe MARK I, having it fail... and furtherdeveloping a MARKII having itfail and then a MARK III and having thatfail also.=A0=A0 Seems to me therehas GOT to be something here... that wemight not see... but works.=A0=A0 Thelatest word I heard was that this "energy output"is NOT coupledinto the manifold... or carborator.=A0 It flows throughthe"whole" engine?=A0 That is very veryodd....=A0Also note.. that Anodeand cathode.. both are CRES 316 and only 1.5 voltsor NO voltage at all(once charged properly) is used to extract this"eather"energy.=A0 Seems what we are thinking is that we need tobreak the H20 downinto monotonic oxygen and monotonic hydrogen.. ordiatomic whatever...This is NOT the case with the originalpost.=A0The key here.. is that w=emust replicate this BY FAITH!=A0 What I mean is thatwhat we know.. aboutscience.. IT IS NOT... explainable at all.=A0 At least thisis what I amgetting out of this whole "running off theeather...=A0What do you think..all..=A0v/r KenCarrigan=A0