Ken: You are absolutely right in yourobservation.=A0 Joel and I took Tom Bearden's
advice about thinking backwards when dealing with Aetheric energy.=A0 Thevery
best organic dielectrics provide the best conductors for aethericenergy.=A0 This
we learned from comments made by our dearly departed friend, LES BROWN
who said a silk cord was an excellent conductor of pyramid energy.=A0 Itseams
that plain hot rolled steel or steel wool is the best layering materialfor orgone
accumulators with natural organic layers of wool, silk, wood fiber, corketc. as the
attraction material.=A0 Orgone energy or aetheric energy (soft electrons inJoseph
Caters book) has a hugh affinity for water.=A0 This is the reason polarizedor charged
water is used as an accumulator in the MarkI thru MarkIII device.=A0=A0 Readup on
the Cloud Busters and how they are connected to a running water supplysuch as
a moving stream via a flex steel conduit.=A0 Soft electrons are theprecursors to hard electrons that posses a negative charge.=A0 I think ofsoft electrons as the transition state
between photons and hard electrons.=A0 They are chargeless and come fromthe Aetheric
background.=A0 The 1.5 V charge placed across the MarkIII cell probablyestablishes
an aetheric flow into the water and only needs to be present to get theprocess started.
What do you think about this explanation?????????=A0=A0 Norm
Ken Carrigan wrote:=A0Seems to me.. that anyonespending the time and $$ to manufactor theseMARK I, II=A0 or III devicesmust have some idea that it works.=A0 I could notimagine someone developingthe MARK I, having it fail... and furtherdeveloping a MARKII having itfail and then a MARK III and having thatfail also.=A0=A0 Seems to me therehas GOT to be something here... that wemight not see... but works.=A0=A0 Thelatest word I heard was that this "energy output"is NOT coupledinto the manifold... or carborator.=A0 It flows throughthe"whole" engine?=A0 That is very veryodd....=A0Also note.. that Anodeand cathode.. both are CRES 316 and only 1.5 voltsor NO voltage at all(once charged properly) is used to extract this"eather"energy.=A0 Seems what we are thinking is that we need tobreak the H20 downinto monotonic oxygen and monotonic hydrogen.. ordiatomic whatever...This is NOT the case with the originalpost.=A0The key here.. is that w=emust replicate this BY FAITH!=A0 What I mean is thatwhat we know.. aboutscience.. IT IS NOT... explainable at all.=A0 At least thisis what I amgetting out of this whole "running off theeather...=A0What do you think..all..=A0v/r KenCarrigan=A0=A0